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Posts posted by eyespy

  1. 15 minutes ago, jimbo4 said:

    Yes indeed, The Little One is highly intelligent in many things, she has great knowledge in many scientific and artistic fields, but has shown in the past that sometimes she is sadly lacking in common sense. For an intelligent woman she has done some stupid things, and I refer to her as having a " grasshopper " brain....she jumps from one thing to another without thinking things through sometimes, she will take up a new hobby or interest, ballet dancing, the gymnasium, even friendships I suppose, where she will go full throttle with them at the beginning, only to become bored and disinterested with them rapidly, and rarely does she give things her full commitment, her diet is a classic example, you watch her looking at herself in the mirror and regularly  checking her arse to make sure its still looking good, she will invest in the top of the market weighing scales and weigh herself several times each day. only to then go to the kitchen and open a packet of biscuits, cakes, or chocolate bars and stuff two or three down her throat in one sitting.... Every woman's enemy is the dreaded cellulite, but she with all her academic qualifications encourages it to come and attack that beautiful derriere. She used to attempt some exercises at home at one time, visually wonderful for us watching, but she would not do enough of them for a long enough period of time to be effectual. Her intelligence I fear could be her worst enemy, as she thinks she knows best, but invariably doesn't. She would do well to remember when setting out on anything in life the six P's, Perfect Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance.   Having said that, I truly hope she has a wonderful vacation, and returns in better health.


  2. 21 minutes ago, Eyenthesky said:

    I don't know why she has Nelly's cat, but I think you're right.  The cat is not to be seen in Nelly's apartment.  Also, I watched Dasha try to capture that cat yesterday and put it in a travel cage.  It sounded like a battle Royale - she had to throw a blanket over it a couple of time, and she got bit on the thumb as well as scratched.  Took her about a half an hour, and when she finally did get it in the cage, the cat kept tossing and turning so that it looked like the cage was alive as it bumped across the kitchen floor.


    poor cat I think the cat is cool people not

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