Depend on how fresh. Haven't seen to be to close with the other girls, so if she's on the outside of the gang, it might not be too much interesting too follow
When Jasmin started to jerk her BF off, Rosie had her hand next to Jasmins, and pretended to do the same. Never touched it. Nica was closer with her head once (when Rosie or Belle pushed her)
Somebody here have called him Robert. And it seemed like the girls used that name yesterday to, when they sung a birthday song for him in Jasmins room, before the bath.. Either it was his birthday, or it was a joke, since it was turning out to be one of his most memorable days ever (I would think)
The weird thing is that before Nica joined the other girls in Jasmins room, after her shower, she was crying in her room.
Things change quick with girls at times.
Nil is a normal name in some places:
Here where I live, an normal name used, means Penis in another country. That happends.
Always alittle sad to see that the girls expect Sofie to give them a massage, and never repay her.
Naomi didn't do anything last night, not even a little back rub.
When Jasmin was there, she gave back to Sofie, but Monica only padded a little, and laught it away.
Thanks to Sofie for liking to touch the other girls.
Could have, but it didn't seems like Mira and Kai did go to well over with the couple they shared with last time, both kept to them selves most of the time. So guessing RLC kept them alone so it wouldn't be so ocward as it was last time.
When their in to add the name to B3, it's just quicker to remove it on B4 at the same time. Why keep it on B4 any longer?
the weird thing is that they removed Mira and Kais name from their room, and called it Guest room long before they changed the appartment names
No she was there as a tenant. But guess her and her BF got an offer to go to B3 when it became available. Easy for RLC so the didn't have to find a new couple there
It didn't seems like he came with alot of clothes when he came to visit
Guessing RLC have been on an IKEA run for B3, and brought supples to the girls too.
Maybe RLC makes up the 3rd room in B3 to a usable bedroom, and we might get a new 3 girl appartment?
no, some of the girls use a night pad just in case, and some use some kind of pad almost all the time. Nicole didn't have one before she peed as far as I could see
Depends on which apartment you refer to. Nicole barely does anything with other girls when she gets payed to stay there.
Blair has already dressed, and Rosie never takes it too far. Belle only does it when others takes it a bit further, but never on her own. Nica haven't taken it too far, that has been Amina pushing her. So my bet it that nothing will happend anywhere