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Posts posted by sat11

  1. 1 hour ago, Sparkles said:

    Don't know if i'm seeing right... but it's the stove turned on??? that's flames right??? 



    5 minutes ago, golfer06 said:

    it appears that it was indeed on at the time!



       sorry sparkles you are right, and thanks  golfer for correcting me, i looked at it i did not see the blue flames, i should have looked real closer



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  2. 1 minute ago, Badbull said:

    Alex stays the night then spends the next  morning doing all the cleaning in the apartment while Sid just sit on his arse. Make you think that somethings going to change

    i dont think they would let them stay in the big house, it is temporary whether they will move them to a place like the others or put them with bree and drew (another dead apt. ) as soon as the tenancy ends.

  3. that is true this is voyeur in it raw form, but who would pay almost $40 to watch any apt. with out the sexual  part of it or with out some drama even with out some sort of interesting activity, i think not many. that is why VH is a cam show site not a real  life site and that is why we pay to watch a show sexual or otherwise.

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  4. managers when they set up an apartment its as a business to make money and its their main income source,  for this two it might be just a extra cash bonus not as their main income so they dont work hard  or care to get as much views to get more money. and vh wouldn't mind it for now because they give them the number of apt. on their  list the more apt. the more they charge and most people subscribe to the site with more apt.

    i guess that is the real life of this people with or with out the cams.

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  5. the green screen and the lighting equipment tells me they are not just playing video game, i think their main income comes from posting gaming channel on like YOU TUBE, FACEBOOK and other channels, some people make thousand even millions on you tube playing video games and posting it for as much followers..

  6. what is baffling me is why the gust guy still here? unless she is in love with both and he thinks he has a right to fight for her in equal term as sid, usually a guest leaves after a few days specially things go this bad b/n the host and the cause of it is him.( unless all this is a setup, if not the guy should leave before things go really bad and they all leave), i might not be a fan of both as entertaining people but for me cheating is as bad as violence. if they are not happy get out of the relationship. those people who think its entertaining they are lucky enough not to experience it and i wish you will never do.

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