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Everything posted by sat11

  1. sat11

    Tver - Split 7

    oh young lady is this your ass
  2. sat11


    make up time
  3. sat11

    Tula - Split 4

    they might be trying to be helpful , they dont know the cams can see them with out the light so they put on some light to help out but i think they are trying to make it romantic, they cant see what we see so they dont know it messes up the NV
  4. sat11


    happy again, good
  5. sat11


    nack, that is wonderful thank you, much appreciated!!! i like every thing marna
  6. sat11


    beautiful girl, bit sad
  7. sat11


    that is better thank you marna for coming back the universe loves you
  8. sat11


    with zoe there is no surprise once you have seen it you know what is is going to happen, it just the same thing. the only thing i want to watch is marna but as long as that guy is living in the LR marna cant be her self in there as she was in tula, she should sleep in the bed room even if it is on the floor yes i get it they are not couple still they can share bed its not she is using the room anything else than sleep, i dont care as long as he is not in the LR, he becoming an abstraction from marna, i want to see the free marna naked playing on the sofa not him sleep all day on it and all evening. this is not what i want to watch only this
  9. sat11


    there is another girl in here, maybe zoe , i cant see any of the apartment since last night, just black screen,
  10. sat11


    i noticed it stops working as soon as they change from SD to HD, they dont have enough bandwidth
  11. sat11


    the problem they have is they dont even try to fix it this apartment especially has been like this from the start.
  12. sat11


    the VV management should fire themselves, why do they bring the one person(marna) who is keeping them in business to an apartment where the camera does not load more than 5 sec .
  13. sat11


    this apartment does not load well, very annoying , every 5 sec it stops tula was getting better
  14. sat11


    she have been waiting for 2 days
  15. sat11


    its funny game they are playing
  16. sat11


    that not how you give tips to the girls first they start striping.lol
  17. sat11


    misc you are right about couples, its not my thing as well, and the new couple might be fun but i havent watched them, to be honest i did not care for the last people here, and this two pretend couple especially the girl she is a tease only watching her is more annoying than pleasure, yesterday she brought a dildo teased like she was going to play then she got up and went behind the tv out of cam view to to do it all i could see was her legs, i cant stand watching her, saying that i like marna it does not matter she is having sex or not i just like her, do i want her sexy, naked or having sex of course but that is some part of it and she is genuinely tries to to make every one happy. i watched all the others both sites for sex and now they all boring to me i dont even watch any of them, i rather spend my time watching some thing i enjoy than watch some thing that bore me just for the sex. i post all this pic because no one else seams to do it and there are some people who enjoy watching marna as i do and missed what has been going on and they might catch up they might not be exciting for some people but they are for me and hopefully some one else. so i hope no one would not mind them.
  18. sat11


    i want that pic. lol
  19. sat11


    ld do better
  20. sat11


    at least she should loos th shirt if not the underwear
  21. sat11


    laughing at the girl when she spilt hir drink
  22. sat11


    close up
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