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Posts posted by Loner-69

  1. That's why we posted them, so she got something to look at, plus I would not be surprised if she didn't already have naked photos of Kamila in her phone already.  ;D

    EDIT,,,,,, I've always wondered,if these girls always take showers naked were we can see everything,we even see them do a little prolonged scrubbing of their vaginas,we see naked massages,were if you zoom in you can see their Sweet honey Glazed doughnut holes,

    And sometimes they might give us a quick peak while they are playing with themselves.

    So why haven't we seen any masturbation without the blankets or sheets,We see them naked every day,we see them constantly touching themselves over their panties.

    So why is it that they just can't combine the two,...being naked and touching yourself,it's not like we don't know what they are doing,it's just that we can't really see everything.Nora doesn't hide so what makes these girls different,is it because she is a more permanent fixture,and they are just passing through,and they have careers to think about I don't know,but to me masturbation is still masturbation,we all still saw them doing it and we all have seen them naked.

    I think she is probably looking at images of a guy she met on a trip to Israel.Some guy who really and truly cared about her as both a beautiful woman and human being.
  2. Guys and the 2 girls I know post here I figured this whole thing out between K&K. It was sitting right in front of our eyes and we didn't even see it. All these questions if they are hetero-, homo-, or bisexual. They are in fact asexual. They aren't attracted to either sex. Now we can lay that to rest.

    Maybe they're quad-sexual;heterosexual,bisexual,homosexual,and transsexual.
  3. Foamy, I really like you, but I have to break my promise of silence just this once.

    How can you say that it doesn't matter whether it's the truth or not when Kamila has been completed slaughtered by the false posts (often triggered by incorrect translations). Go back and read some of the filth that has been attributed to her as fact. It's not fact. It's BS. Just like the "fact" that she has a boyfriend back home that she is cheating on. She doesn't. It's a LIE. And yet, everybody believes it.

    The crap that has written about her over the last week is an absolute disgrace and not one ounce of "proof" has been presented. And why? Because it's NOT THE TRUTH. How can that not matter? Would you like it if one of your relatives or a friend of yours had all these hideous lies posted about them that convinced a bunch of people who believed those lies to go and post that same filth on OTHER sites when it's nothing but lies?

    You wind up with a viral destructive story that gains more and more untruth the further it expands. I'm sorry, but I find that disgraceful and it should not be allowed on a forum, let alone encouraged.

    And you state that you believe the GIRLS are enjoying it too? Please! Don't kid yourself.

    I'm done for now. I will try again to keep my silence and not post again until the board returns somewhat to normal - if it ever does.  >:(

    This used to be a fun place to share ideas. What has happened to it is disgraceful.

    Let everyone who believes this trash that has been circulated go ahead and rip me to shreds for posting the truth. I don't care.

    I wish I was unattached so that I could marry her,if she wanted a stupid old man.
  4. je n'avais pas vu, et je comprends mieux pourquoi ce pauvre fou de loner a été banni!!!!! il déverse maintenant sa folie sur reallifecam fan, le seul endroit accessible au dérangés du cerveau, ou même le modérateur poste des photos et vidéos privées!!! ;D ;D ;D

    I had not seen, and I understand better why this crazy poor loner was banned !!!!! Now he pours his madness on reallifecam fan, the only place accessible to disturb the brain, or even the moderator post photos and private videos !!! ; D; D; D

    Just don't look into a mirror guys you might see how really sick and unfeeling you really are.
  5. It will be more beneficial for you to control your daughter or your sister or even your girlfriend, instead of shouting to morality, to a person that you see through the web, I am really flabbergasted by what I read in this thread. Help, Freud, there is work to do in CC.

    I have more confidence in Janov to help them.
  6. Sorry, but there is a mistake in these events

    (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).

    What happened with"time has come Farewell I am sorry for anything" If it's time for farewell why are you still leaving comments on CC?Is anything about you real or are you a complete phony?
  7. tu n'as pas tort, mais kamila n'est pas innocente....elle a été dans plus de lieux dans le monde, que toi et moi, dans toute notre vie réunie!!! elle sait parfaitement ce qu'elle fait et se servir des mecs à sa guise....si elle rencontrait demain un gars de 65 ans, qui lui promet un bon avenir, elle serait déjà en train de faire ses valises de rlc!!! cependant, ce n'est pas parce qu'elle a rendez-vous avec un photographe, que ce photographe la baise.....mais il est vrai que les filles n'ont aucuns scrupules à se servir du sexe pour réussir aujourd'hui....

    you're not wrong, but is not innocent kamila .... she was in more places in the world that you and I met in our entire life !!! she knows what she does and use the guys at will .... if tomorrow she met a guy of 65, who promises a good future, it is already doing its rlc suitcases !! ! however, it is not because she has an appointment with a photographer, photographer fuck it ..... but it is true that girls have no qualms in using sex to succeed today 'hui .... :-\ :-\ :(

    Or some guy at age 69.Might even send him PMs on CC. LOL
  8. Before I say this, I want to preface this post by saying that this is in no way me trying to defend or stick up for Kamila.

    Loner-69, I really am beginning to think that you are just a troll because I refuse to believe that there is anybody that desperate and jealous over one girl that you have never nor will ever meet such as yourself. The fact that only a few days ago kamila was such a sweetheart in your eyes and someone that could do no wrong and now just because there's a chance she might have been getting fucked silly and having her face plastered full of some dude's cum, and all of a sudden now you call her names like cheap and want to make ridiculous claims like might like be used and abused? You're starting to act like a father who just found out their daughter is having sex and don't want accept the reality, and it's really creepy.

    Understand this: You do not know Kamila, and you never will. You do not know the men she hangs out with, and you never will. And you are in no way in any position to make judgments about who she is because you don't know shit. None of us do. You make this claim that he's a cheater, yet the reality is you've never seen him and don't know shit about him. You make this claim that she's being abused and I find it disgusting that you can come up with such conclusions when you have absolutely ZERO evidence for it. Nearly 700 posts in less than a month and on average 30 posts a day (which would be more if you weren't banned for a few days), most of which is on the subject of Kamila really says a lot.

    I recommend you read "The PRIMAL SCREAM".It might help you,but I doubt it.
  9. Some women seem to have a need to be used and abused.I'm beginning to wonder about Kamila.The original boyfriend in Moscow never seemed to call her that much,but the few times he did call it seemed to make her day.I wonder if she wasn't naively committed to a cheater and when she found out about the cheating she felt free to move on to other men,but still has the need to choose men who will use and abuse her.She can only fully give herself to someone who does not love her while at the same time convincing herself that she is loved.Remember the night before she watched the movie "BEASTLY" on the living room TV.Check out the plot of "BEASTLY".OR MAYBE THIS JUST SOME MORE OF MY RAMBLING FREE ASSOCIATION BULLSHIT SPECULATION AS FREUD WOULD CALL IT.

  10. I respectfully have to disagree with you on this.  I think anything said by these tenants in the open camera areas should be able to be heard by all and not just the people that speak their language.  If they have something to say and they don't want us to hear it then they can go to the balcony, the bathrooms, the laundry room or the front porch, all of which they do when there is something they want to keep private.  Just my opinion Mr. corboblanc so don't hate me for it!

    We're allowed to see them have sex,but not allowed to hear what they say?
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