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Posts posted by Loner-69

  1. Trust me, no one is protecting my arse, I risk the ban hammer the same as anyone else. Certainly not part of any inner circle, in fact I'm definitely outside the loop.

    As for where I post, check out my stats that I posted yesterday, you'll see where my interests are.

    As for what I post, can't help that, have no time for liars and fuckwits.

    In theory, that is true. The problem that I've seen with this forum is that there are enough of them that they can keep the fire burning hot enough by fighting with each other that they draw other posters in who just can't take it anymore without responding.

    In all honesty, I have never seen a forum where posters are allowed to get away with the what they are here. The level of disrespect and false accusations spewed here is really beyond belief at times. I think the mods are being way too kind. Just my opinion.

    I would like to ask Ozi a question about something he said about me,but I am afraid if I do I will be banned again.
  2. You have realized that whenever two girls are watching something funny on tv in the living room in this apartment laughter always is uncoordinated, what makes grace to one of them to another doesn't do grace. Not only passes between Kamila and Nora, happens between all the girls.

    Nora's laughter is forced and Kami's is spontaneous, just like her crying.That's what I like about Kami,but I'm afraid that as the world knocks her around that child like spontaneity will be lost.
  3. I can't be positive of this because it's second-hand information. But, it was given to me by someone I trust. He said that Kamila is sending a good bit of the money she gets home to help her family and to purchase gifts for younger family members. The rest she spends on new clothing and accessories that she needs (often for some of her modeling gigs).

    It wouldn't surprise me if were true because I honestly believe that she is a very kind and loving person although I realize that there are many here who don't agree with me.

    Unless you got info from another source that was just speculation by me.
  4. You don't even know anything about this Sergio so you have no authority to make that judgement. Unless you're just jealous that he gets to see her and you don't.

    With what I see happening,if not Sergio it will be someone just like Sergio.Doesn't matter who.There many pricks who hang around hot models just looking for an easy score.Besides I'm too old,have a girlfriend who I love very deeply and would not hurt,and recognize any feelings I have for Kami are just a fantasy.
  5. I guess I just really don't understand why there is a big ruckus about somebody posting a picture (fake or real) of Kamila nude on a beach!  What is the difference between posting her in the shower, or getting a massage from Nora, or letting Kristy grope her tits, or sleeping nude, it is the life she has chosen and it is the life she will have to deal with!  Did the picture you saw of her bookmaster give the location it was taken?  I'm sure it didn't, so what is the big deal?  She is a model is she not?  I promise you there are pictures of her out there somewhere much worse than a picture (fake or real) of her posing nude on a beach somewhere!!  Fellas you all need to come back down to reality here, she's not an innocent 10 year old girl anymore!!

    It hurts me to say so,but I agree.Especially the episode with Sergio and her questions about his money.Sort of sounds like a gold digger.
  6. Well, let's hope not. Although you are right about the road being dangerous.

    I saw it happen with Martye, the girl I knew in the 1970s.It happens in just gradual steps until eventually the original person is gone.I don't think Barcelona and RLC is good for her,but she's an adult and it's her life.But it's sad to watch it happen.
  7. It's interesting that you say that because, believe it or not, that was my first impression of her back when she came here the first time. However, I have long since realized that what I had misinterpreted as conceit is actually just a very strong sense of self-confidence.

    Having watched her for over 2 months (as well as seeing video of her away from RLC), I find her to be a very kind, loving and supportive person. She is even nice to those who are rude to her although I don't believe she would stand for it if it were more than a very brief, momentary incident. I believe her self-esteem is also very high and she will never willingly accept any kind of abuse or attack.

    Just my opinion, but it is based on a lot of personal observation and information I have received from people that I currently trust.

    With the road Kami is traveling now I am afraid and sad that she in time will become just as cold and unfeeling as Nora.The world will knock the niceness out of her(guys like Sergio).
  8. In the supplement to my post I want to return the attention, that of Krista in conversations with Kamila with word \ "your\" or perhaps better \ "yours\" so far described only one person.

    Kami could be doing photo shoot at beach.When I was banned on CC I went to Reallifecam fan forum.Their gallery shows all kinds of model photos of Kami.Many of her in a bikini on the beach.Maybe the "your"was your photo shoot.If you don't believe me check out the gallery yourself.
  9. Yes Kristy give it to her, the fact she asked Kristy means she's basically telling Kristy she is considering having sex with him, She could easily have gone to a pharmacy/vending machine if she wanted and Kristy wouldn't have know anything but chose to let Kristy know that she was considering having sex.

    Did Kami ask for the condoms or did Kristy offer them to her when she knew Kami was going out.
  10. Come on guys ! If we could read the contract between Kristy and rlc, I'm pretty sure we could read : " put some spice in this appt "

    It started with nora and the sensual massage on the begining.

    And since then, she's busy with Kamila.

    If she wasn't there, this apt would be dead and nobody would watch it. I like Kamila, she's a very beautilful girl, but a cute girl that lives a "normal life" (meaning sleeping, eating, working, watching tv, going out and masturbating every now and then) that's not interesting for the viewers.

    since it's pic thread :


    Maybe RLC needs to put a new clause in the contract that requires tenants to have sex at least four times a week.Then they could satisfy all the perverts on CC and RLC could make more money.
  11. I want to thank \ "again\" for supplementing what I wrote.

    Girls are saying quickly, often whisper, are speaking with their mouth full, a loud music is included. I usually manage to hear single fragments of the conversation. Therefore my transmission cannot be enough precise.

    I must also some here to disappoint. The tongue which girls are using is to put it mildly not very parlamental. I am not sure whether you understand what I mean. I don't know the right expression of English.

    Well that \ "again\" confirmed him in outline and gave more details.

    I heard out Kamila's report from the meeting from Sergio and I must admit that little I managed to understand. The report for Kamila didn't read as follows too romantically.

    Kamila came to the flat Sergio. She was disappointed that was small (here I must correct. The meeting with friends about which earlier I wrote was probably cancelled at home Sergio only somewhere else).

    Sergio asked her whether she has a boyfriend, and Kamila asked whether he has a girlfriend. Sergio answered, that if had so that he doesn't meet with her (the day before Kamila found photo his girl in the Internet).

    They ate their supper and went for the walk during which Sergio was naughty and aggressively. It is everything of what I am reliable.

    Later probably they met with friends Sergio. I cannot confirm what probably the most everyone are interested in or to deny.

    It seems to me that Kamila to the directly asked question through of Krista answered in the negative. I am only not sure whether well I understood the context of this question. To it other fragments of the conversation heard by me seem to it to contradict. Provided well I am interpreting them. I don't want to write about them since as the most here I like Kamila and I don't want to cause unnecessary speculations.

    In the supplement to my previous relation. When Kamila left house Krista asked her whether at any time she had betrayed her boy.

    Kamila answered that she had flirted from other but slept with nobody.

    Thats all what J can write about Kamila's date. Sorry.

    Perhaps somebody understood more. I am also interesting.

    Still I don't understand why Kamila went to this date. Whether only because of Krista to it persuaded her. Perhaps there is some pragmatic explanation?

    Maybe she went because it is Kamila's nature not to offend nor hurt anyone.
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