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Everything posted by Buster

  1. I will try to express my thoughts as clearly as possible; hopefully this will clear up any confusion. Angela, I, as I'm sure many of us, do not want to see you leave the apartment regardless if Valera comes back or not. But your actions should not be decided on what we want. You have to do whatever it is you feel is going to make you happy. Nobody in this forum has any right to judge you. We are merely observers of your life, and that means you should not take the opinions of people hear to heart. As someone who was just separated from their boyfriend, if having a friend over to flirt with makes you happy then go for it. Again, Valera is the one who left you so you have no reason NOT to have someone over, regardless of what you do with them. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Do not worry about what we, or Valera might have to say about it. Я постараюсь, чтобы выразить свои мысли как можно более четко; мы надеемся, это будет прояснить путаницу. Анжела, я, как я уверен, что многие из нас, не хотят видеть, что вы покидаете квартиру независимо от того, Валера возвращается или нет. Но ваши действия не должны решаться на том, что мы хотим. Вы должны сделать то, что вы чувствуете, собирается сделать вас счастливыми. Никто в этом форуме не имеет права судить о вас. Мы просто наблюдатели вашей жизни, и это означает, что вы не должны принимать мнения людей услышать близко к сердцу. Как человек, который был просто отделены от их друга, если у него есть друг над заигрывать с делает вас счастливым затем пойти на это. Опять же, Валера это тот, кто оставил вам, чтобы вы меня нет оснований, чтобы не иметь кого-то, независимо от того, вы с ними делать. Это ничего, чтобы стыдиться. Не волнуйтесь о том, что мы, или Валера, возможно, придется сказать об этом.
  2. Angela, it's perfectly fine for you to have friends over. Valera is the one who left. What you do in your personal time is your business. And it's not like you had sex with him so I think you'll be ok.
  3. Looking at the pics, I guess her friend is also a 12 year old for wanting to fuck Angela, right? I mean with him laying on top of her, spending the night and rubbing her legs. Why would he try to fuck, right? You sound like one of those guys that girls only see as friends because they're too busy out fucking other dudes to want to fuck you.
  4. I cannot believe I just read this! How old are you? 12? That anyone could have such a disrespectful attitude towards a friend! Many times in my life I have been called up by friends in the middle of the night to go and just be there in a time of crisis. Trying to get them into bed would be the last thing I would think of at that time. For f***s sake, grow up! Dude, suck a dick. Seriously.
  5. Unless the girl is someone I grew up with and have known for many, MANY years, if she called me up at 4am or whatever super late (or early depending on how you look at it), told me that she just broke up with her boyfriend and wanted me to come over, there's absolutely NO way I would go over unless I knew I was going to fuck her. Especially if when I got there and she was drinking and flirting with me. There's no reason NOT to try to fuck her. And I would be upset if she invited me over that late and didn't put out.
  6. I actually am a bit of a fan of anime myself. Not that much but I do know some shit. Yu Yu hakusho is my all time favorite anime. hiei is my all time favorite character. If Tay is as big of a fan as she claims she is, she'll know both.
  7. I agree with everything you said. It's funny how a little interaction can change your opinions on a person. From what I've seen so far, Angela seems like the nicest girl out of them all but that's because of how she comes off in CC rather than what she's done in rlc. As far as the couple, I'm sorry but I don't really care if they get back together (good for her if they do). I just don't want to see her go. But if she does I would understand. It might be interesting to have a single person living in the apartment and to see something a little different than always spying in on a couple. On the flip side, it'll definitely put a damper on seeing a lot (if any) sexual activity on her part. And if Angela doesn't want to fuck anyone as of yet, she can bring back that girl that was there a few days ago and let her fuck some dudes.
  8. Someone help me out... I can't tell if this is a good thing or a bad thing.
  9. Agreed. Maybe they couldn't handle the pressures of being watched 24/7. If that's the case then staying will only make things worse. They seem nice though, unlike Leora who comes off as a drama queen. In any case, Angela/Valera needs to do whatever they feel they need to do that's going to make them happy in the long run and she shouldn't worry about pleasing our voyeuristic needs.
  10. The only couple I've really ever taken a liking too is Alina/Anton and I've never gotten a sense of attachment to them. Maybe it's the language barrier like StnCld brought up. Even when I thought Alina/Anton were going to leave, I was more anticipating the next couple more than anything else.
  11. The word exciting shouldn't even be used in the same sentence as of these couples.
  12. If that girl that was there yesterday is going to replace them, then this couple won't be missed at all.
  13. It looks like Stefan is trying to save the world again through his masturbation sessions to internet porn again.
  14. The fact that she gets so flaky about getting cum on her turns me off to her completely.
  15. I've been trying to say that for the longest time now.
  16. Don't waste your time trying to warn him. This Pomen guy is a jackass. 2 months from now he's going to post a video from 4 months ago and the whole thing is going to start all over again.
  17. The mirror in the hallway is so nice placed, you can get a good view of what they're doing from the hall cam.
  18. I noticed they were on that phone a LOT during that session. I wonder if they had someone listening in. If anyone can speak the language, could you make out what they were talking about while they were messing around on the phone?
  19. Um, how the fuck is this new? I hate all your videos.
  20. It would take a hell of a lot longer than two days. Much closer to week, if not longer.
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