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About Sulzer

  • Birthday 01/10/1980

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  1. I can only hope so but after last time id hoped he was gone for good but he keeps on making an appearance and well i just don't watch.
  2. Too right, they small talk , polite conversation. Massimo knows he won't get anywhere with her so he doesn't push it anymore. He seems to have some respect with her like he does with Marilyn. Nothing to suggest anything will ever occur.
  3. Thank you for taking the time to write this. Makes things more seem a lot clearer. And rightly said that Karma did indeed clear up after the new years parties when no one else was interested.
  4. Please quote to me all the rotten games that Karma has played...... All the other residents..... because B4 has been so full. Daytona and Karma have been friends throughout and Aziza is friends with Karma. Please do not say the girl who has only just arrived either.
  5. There was a small action by Sara that I just noticed by chance. When Sara had Karma's parcels in her room Max asked Sara More Clothes ? She said no they are not for me. I think there for ***** (Karma). Then she thew them out into the hall. They are not the actions of a good friend. Even Max commented about her just throwing them in the hall. Thankfully Karma still has a good friend in Aziza who took the parcels to Karma's room later.
  6. Great timing, Karma not been seen for days and taking a nice shower and goes UM. ffs
  7. Probably at the request of Tantra, she wont have time for the laptop because he will be down on her for 5 hours before 2 mins of sex and repeat. 😄
  8. I think it stayed with her she packed all the leads.
  9. Where ever Karma has gone she needed her Laptop. Normally doesn't take it so she must have work to do. The B1 visits have completely stopped too now she has somewhere off cam to go.
  10. Yes they are good for that, cats will chase them round the room for ages 😆. Surley one of them has managed to put some food in a bowl ? I did actually think it might have been part of the terms of living there. Feed the cat... If Karma returns with Tantra she will have no interest in Squash as he doesn't like it. She had been showing more affection again to the cat while he has been absent.
  11. Unless the Tantra re appears i doubt there will be sex unless a sudden change of mind to go all the way with Wolf.
  12. And of course lets not forget, she could have sex with Nobody.
  13. Looks like he was tickling her sides and tummy to me. Not really trying anything sexual just playfull.
  14. I'll say your actually not wrong she doesn't learn how to look after herself. It's no good doing all that if you are not 100% it's asking for trouble.
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