Which is why i don't understand why RLC want rid of her, what has she done wrong, It was ok for Jasmin to stay and she did nothing above the usual after shower rubdowns. I think its a terrible direction RLC are going in with the 2 all girl apartments. I will end up only watching K&K for the remainder of my subs if this gets any worse.
Yes, and thy wont let someone as down to earth beautiful sexy girl like Melissa stay, just when she has started been more open. I find that a complete joke. No doubt to be replaced by another cam girl.
Id rather watch the girls sat doing what Belle is doing now than have girls sat in corners talking care of there other viewers all day while we get to watch nothing.
Michelle is not Camming, Remember she said she came here for a break from work so i doubt she will spend hours and hours camming. Maybe with the Husband she will
They close it so they can see the TV better. Would be better if RLC positioned the uplight lamps better. They are always behind the subjects which never works. They shoule place these uplights in better places
She is pretty good at telling them how stuff works last night the girls were excited when she showed them the Balcony lights. Michelle must not have asked her how her heating works.
Well thanks to Kitek we now know that Belle leaves on 1st December. So no more guessing. Also Candy only stays 1 month and Michelle longer as she will take the big room when Candy leaves.
Thanks Yury. I think its a scandal they will not renew Melissa's contract she is an absolute joy to watch. So sensual and sexy and has opened up a lot. Yet it was ok to renew the contracts of Jasmin ! Utter joke.