Quote from Kitek's translation
"Michelle said that so far none of her ex-boyfriends reported any objections and now her husband also has nothing against her performances."
Lets remember that Michelle is married and maybe the reality of been away from her husband could be making her feel a bit upset, its quite plausible i suppose. We don't know how much time they usually spend together
I take it back about Belle disappointing me, she has just shown what a lovely person she is by chatting to Michelle to cheer her up, its worked as they are smiling and laughing now.
Yes Belle was slow on the uptake to realize something was wrong, glad she did not ignore it and went to chat to her, that's a mature thing to do. Michelle seemed a bit upset about something.
I know it drives me crazy not knowing, body language can mean so many things its not very accurate way to tell whats going off. Michelle does seem to want to isolate herself though, which is a massive contrast to her first day.
A slight indication then of its not Belle's doing she tried to involve Michelle then and offering her snacks, but Michelle seems to be not in the mood to socialize, she gives them the stares.
Michelle turns off the lights when she leaves rooms, she turned the kitchen light off twice last night, they never turn that off. Cam 15 cant have night vision