Even as far back as Belle's birthday party in B1 there was long periods where the girls gathered on the Balcony smoking and talking . But difference in that is you could see them now you cant at B2.
Yes your right. Belle can chatter away for hours once she gets going with her stories though. When they came back in they probaby thought oh Shit Sia has gone to bed.
Bad form yes. But i know when your drinking time goes faster than you think. They maybe went out there got chatting and time just past by without even thinking. Easy done. I doubt they will have done it on purpose to ditch Sia. Im not completely defending them but it could be what happened.
Ive no doubt Michelle will move to B2 which is why she is up and out early to collect her stuff ready for someone else to move in to B1. Melissa needs some company allthough i love her on her own she has really shone through. B2 UM for cleaning team to clean Jasmins room for Michelle and Candy will have Belle's room when she leaves next week. Unless Candy takes Jasmin's room and Michelle to take Belle's is the other option.
Looks like ive missed all the fun. But once again it seems like the Balcony takes the edge off. Balcony cam is needed more than ever with smokers in the apartments.
I often watch the new girls to see how fast they are to cover up and Candy was pretty damn fast, towel on right away then quickly put the underwear on. The best girls, Irma Ilona and Belle were never fast to get underwear on right on day 1.
Both new girls seem to like Bath's rather than showers, which is not as good for us viewers. I cant remember Belle having a bath, she may have had in B1 ?
Yes i think a lot of it is because Belle looks so young without all her slap on. But she is Intelligent and more so than i first thought. She still has some immaturity especially with drinking as she just cant stop once she gets into drunk mode.