Wow well that was a wonderful view and she is going to sleep naked. If she gets into the positions she normally does we should be in for some great views. Lets not forget i think Belle is asleep naked too. Unless she put panties on i didnt see.
I suspected so a few times when she had been in there a long time. Rebecca never showed much sign of sexual frustration. Well apart from the looks she gave Belle and Jasmin from time to time.
She must fiddle on the toilet. Surley she cant last without doing something! Even on Ilona's first stay she used the shower head a couple of times and used the jets! Then well we know what she used on 2nd stay.
Belle has her microbates which may be enough for her!
Its not easy to change back once you have changed your routine. I know as a shift worker changing over from nights to days is a killer If they went to bed now then sleeping is not easy and with the lifestyle they are leading they will struggle to get back to normality. As they dont have anything to get up early for to shift them back in to the right path!
I dont quite have BBs love for Belle but i fancy her like mad and when i can i try to catch her showers and her dancing. Ive not got into watching much of B1 much at all lately and have only brief viewings of K&K because i love watching Belle so much. Jasmin is a nice girl and i miss most of her showers as im usually watching Belle.
Now i was much more obsessed with Ilona i would watch her all the time. Love that crazy girl and its safe to say i am besoted with her just dont share it as much on here as BB does for Belle.
Actually just thinking back to a translation i remember before the UM when he girls were undecided about staying. Belle said she could not leave until after the 12th anyway as she owed something. Maybe it was that she was owed something and the money is what was owed! It all adds up to me.
My opinion is that when she moved rooms the decision was she was going to stay to the end of her Visa. Hope im not wrong on this!
She would not bother moving rooms just for a few days. I doubt that its her final payment. That is yet to come.
Remember she picked up an envelope at the end of her last month too when she was in B1 still.
Im sure she will always be remembered for been one of the greats if not the best. She never was completely happy with the confines of a small room and thats shown now she has the space and en suite! Something going on outside the apartment is also making her happy at the moment so lets hope it stays that way as her openness at the moment is fantastic!
It was never in doubt but i now have my 3 favorite girls and it will take some beating. Ilona Belle and Irma. Now if they were to come back all at the same time i would be in heaven. But i would never know which of the 3 to be watching !