Yes we know they are here to earn money but some also enjoy what they do they are rare and special, Irma was one of them and now we have Belle. Its called been an exhibitionist, Irma and Belle are, Ilona is to an extent.
What is that pile of slop that Belle tried cooking earlier ? its still left on the side, she had a hard time cleaning the pan too. A girl of many talents, but cooking is certainly not one of them
Belle just looks so right at home spread out in that huge bed. Of course no panties would be better !
So we await in anticipation of a new girl coming, maybe today !
Yes seems she was going to leave but contract talks has made her change her mind, Wonder if she will try to be more open to earn more, would be nice if she was.
No problem, makes very interesting reading, almost like RLC were dragging there heels regarding payments and contracts and they were all considering leaving ! It all seems to be sorted after the UM.
Probably what the serious discussion was about in Rebecca's room earlier, she deserves the big room and big bed and big bathroom after all she has done.