Ive tried to think about what went on, for me Jasmin did not really want to go but drank a little wine to make the situation feel not as bad, When she got there she plonks herself in that seat and only moved once to make the tea, she did actually have a conversation with Lara in the Kitchen. Rebecca was glued to Jasmin at times but did dance around a bit and while they were all at the table there was a fair bit of cross conversation between all girls. Lima and Belle got on Ok which was surprising as they never spoke too much when she lived there due to Milena. to me it was Jasmin who had a problem with socializing as a group that might just be the way she is. Also the party was never going to hit any heights as it always had a time limit in place so it was a case of lets not get too drunk we have to go back! I think it was at first intended for all of them to meet at the club but Jasmin seemed to start preparing but then suddenly stopped and changed her mind (message from BF to not go ?) Belle wanted to go so Rebecca went with to see she got there ok. Then all of a sudden Jasmin comes alive when she is on her own, Now that tells me she does have a problem dancing and having a good time around others, note earlier before they went to B1 she never got up and danced with Belle but went to her room to Dance on her own until Rebecca came in and she stopped!
The party was not a disaster, just not very good and i don't blame the B2 girls like some do, yes Jasmin spoiled any vibe by not wanting to take part and in turn drew Rebecca in a tad.