I think RLC would have said cool it with the drugs if people complained or not, they have their business to protect. Yeah the girls probably dont like it but im sure things will improve again in time
Oh dear if she does not like it that the girls walk around naked then she is never going to do it herself. It beats me why these shy girls join the project. Shame because she has a killer body.....
Milena brought 3 guys to b2 which seemed the intention of them hooking up with the girls, one hooked up with Stella and they went at it many times and even once in Belles bed in B1 when she moved out.. Milena took one of the guys back to B1 and they had sex in the bed and the bathroom. The 3rd guy seemed to be after Carolina but she got too wasted which is another story. Belle moved into B2 because her and Milena do not speak anymore. Oh and Rebacca came back and we have a new girl Jasmin in B1.
Its all been very quiet since the coke night with those 3 guys. I suspect RLC received complaints about it. Dis you miss Stella having sex multiple times? and Milena sex in Barca 1 ?
I agree with that, so much potential but something is holding her back. The bad trip will have knocked her confidence for sure and so soon after the Milena rift.
The life has gone from both apartments, probably due to complaints from viewers outside of CC and nothing do do with whats said on here. The girls reaction to this is to do the bare minimum required.
They all sit together, unlike B1 all shut away in there rooms. Back to square 1 with that place, only Irma and ilona could turn it round but they are not due back. B2 has the most harmonious apartment now even if it may be boring at times.
Yes what is all that about, she does like to leave the light on and maybe the light is just too bright in there. But then when she is on the couch the sun beams all over her in the morning. Strange. Lets see what she does tonight. She must need a shower thats for sure.
Just adorable and she was even holding hands with Carolina briefly but Caro pulled away for the big snuggle with Lola. She does get a bit left out does our Belle.