Im dissaponted Belle took the drugs. Looked like she did not want to at first but gave in. I thought after 2 days been ill she may have took it easy. Now she is high as a kite and easy pray for these guys.
I hope poor Belle is not stood outside with her belongings in bags. I wonder if 1 of the girls said she would be there to let her in and has got sidetracked
Hopefully Belle will come back to life when she feels a lot better and it still annoys me with some folk on here that say she was just recovering from party night. She has been clearly ill and off it for days taking lots of meds and no alchohol at all. I dont think we will see a fun loving Belle until the apartment situation is resolved. If she is told she must stay with Milena and Lima then i suspect she will be gone and that will be that. If Stella is leaving then it would be in RLC interest to keep Belle in B2 but its all a guessing game at the moment.
I very much doubt that would upset her. These girls know exactly what they are getting into and by bating in these apartments then they are been watched and someone will always be recording. They are not stupid and as naive as you may think. Something alse has upset Stella maybe something beyond her control.
Well im home to see Belle still sound asleep on the couch, hope she is sleeping well and she feels better today. Bits i caught last night changed my mind a bit on Lola, she seemed very comforting to Belle staying up with her watching the tv and saw her fetch her a drink and some pills.
The whole Belle / Milena situation could be completly bypassed by RLC if they let Belle move to Barca 2 when one Leaves. Stella bought a suitcase so could be soon and Lola is not far off due. I doubt they would have said to her on ya bike there is your payment. She is too much of a star.
Good to hear Belle is in Barca 2. That means she must be feeling better and at least she is around people who she likes. Even if they ignore her at times.
Well at least Belle is looking better now, she is showered and dressed and looks to be preparing to leave, who knows if she will go back to B1, you would think so.
i knew she would do that, shame on you Lola you are a horrible person to the poor girl. Its fine for Ilona and Polya to share your bed but not Belle. There is clearly something the matter with Belle, no one sleeps so long if your not sick and Lola never took her even as much as a drink of water to her all evening yesterday,
I am still watching her while watching Lima and Milena. She moves around a lot keep thinking she is waking up but no. She must be unwell or she would have heard the girls and got up to join them.