Carolina in not shy we have seen that in Barca 1 last night. In my opinion Lola does not let them be open. She showed too much last night ao Lola told her to return and watch the tv! Just a thought
Maybe but when only Barca 1 the girls could be missing a lot partying elsewhere where at least now they seem to do it at either apartment so your not left with none to watch.
We are crying out for a balcony cam in this apartment. They spend far too much time out there. It must be too much of a problem locating it without too much view of the area. But you can see lots of the outside on the reflection anyway when the door is left open at a certain angle. It looked like its much nearer a beach than Barca1.
A Megan and Belle apartment would be quite entertaining if simple because they are both god damn hot.. But for me personally i would love to see an Irma and Ilona apartment maybe in another country. We have seen them in the Barcelona apartment twice so would like to see the different side to there lives like a Kami and Kristy. Im surprised Kami and Kristy stayed so long so im sure Irma and Ilona would not be beyond possible.
I don't think Belle took all her stuff, i think that's her coat on the back of the chair and her carrier bad on the floor by it, So she must be coming back here
Belle does not have her own room anywhere so until either Polya or Anna leave. It would seem she has been hanging out with Lola. These girls are all friends they are going to hang out with each other in either apartment so we will have to get used to that.
I noticed that. She drinks way too fast in a short space of time. If she spread it out more she would not get into such states! I know because i used to do the same until i learned to slow down.
They are clearly using this guy as he buys them all booze. Possible gets them drugs. And was it mentioned he has a car? They girls are not going to let him go if they are on to a good thing.
Hopefully Belle will re appear in Barca 1 and do her sensational naked walk round every room!
Well goodbye Rebecca you may have been here only a brief time but you will live in all our memory as the girl who dared to do what none did before in the barcelona apartments. Getting your face straight into Pussy and go for it! Well done. Such a shame you were not single and able to enjoy your time much more.