I fancy Belle the most of anyone on RLC at the moment, so naturally she has a lot of my viewing time, she has my attention back now she is looking very cute today.
Fixate yourself on Leora's booty then like i am, how can that waste of time just sit there while she shakes her booty.
If Belle does something to entertain i will be back.
Ive no doubt Ben may know but i don't personally think she is going to that club without Irma or Stella, she was dressed casually all evening in the same clothes and seemed to be awaiting conformation from someone to go out, although its classed as casual she still looked smart and the added makeup, she really could have been meeting anyone anywhere, maybe or maybe not the said club.
Well that's ok then i guess, i was wondering if she was slumping back to her first 6 days, surly not after the fantastic displays we have had over the last few days.
Seeing Belle lounging looking tired is reminding me of all those nights they stayed up watching desperate housewives so they were too tired to do anything in the daytime
The only issue i have with Irma is bringing Alex so many times to the apartments, otherwise she is great and always will be, she will be welcome back by me any time. Just please leave Alex out of the equation next time !
Its good at last that RLC found the right couple for this apartment, They are very close and its great to watch them and Linda is one hot lady. They are slowly adding personal touches to the apartment too which suggests they are happy and will be staying . The new clothes rack in the bedroom and now a new TV on the wall of the bedroom, some pics of them up there too.