Yes your right they come as a pair and its odd to have Irma without Ilona but Irma has been good so far as she has had the right girls with her. Irma and Danaya would probably work in the same place too. But im sure Irmas hands would be permanently on Danayas breasts. I would love to see how Ilona and Jessica would be together too. Ive still got the image in my head of Ilona and Irma kissing each other. Oh that was so nice and they were both so horny afterwards but was a shame they went there seperate rooms. Would Ilona go even further if she was here again. That i want to find out lol
Sorry i did not intend to confuse you. Ilona. I call her the sidekick as last time they were known as I&I. I do think that if she does not show up soon she may be too busy
Someone who was coming is not now? I keep saying it but i would be very suprised if we get 3 months of Irma without her sidekick showing up at some point.
I see the B1 nightclub is set up. Now whats going to go down here then. The B1 girls are planning something in the bathroom.
It all happens while im at work
Best way to see her head was in the hall. She is quite tall probably Lola's sort of height. They look fun together. Nicole was very happy all smiles and laughter. I would imagine these 2 will be out a lot though as they will have so much to see and do. I bet we dont see Miguel again either.
Out of all the others i think Nicole gets on with Danaya the most. In B1 last night Nicole and Danaya sat chatting together for a while.
If last night was anything to go by i cant see it lasting. Nicole's plan to stay in Spain may have changed now and she might not be looking for a keeper. Like you said it looked more serious up until the other night when he was not allowed to stay over then last nights very awkward fucking. The muff diving he seemed to get spot on though. I would say they will both move on but who knows.
Nicole's use of Dildo has not really been a show as such. She uses it purely for relief and it usually helps her sleep. Ive watched the replay of her and Miguel last night and i feel she was not that bothered about sex but he was so she put out for him but did not look comfortable to me.
I think in B2 Danaya will likely be the next departure. She was translated as saying she will be home in 1 month and a half and thats a fair few weeks ago.