Well that is very offside if they are hiding the speaker from her. If its in Jessica's room then she must be doing it to stop Nicole playing the music at night. For me she has no right to do that.
Irma may remain with Nora to claim the big room i don't think she minds sharing (She let Ilona share the small room with her quite a lot last time, i think there will be someone coming to fill Nicole's room. If indeed she is going to move to B2, so far she has shown no sign of doing so.
Wish they would put the table back in the middle of the Kitchen, they are always hidden out of view now. Kristy often sits right in the corner of the cam too.
She probably gave up a week ago, never seen any of the girls so isolated and withdrawn from everything. The fact she did not go to the B1 party said a lot too.
Sometimes she needs defending, nowt wrong with it if its needed, she is trying to get involved now, she has even spoken to Jessica, I give her respect for not giving up.
Its only really Jess and Nicole that don't see eye to eye, is see her talk to Nora and Irma. Wont matter in a few days anyway as she will be replacing the very isolated and withdrawn Michelle.