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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. Wendy and the girl exchanged numbers.. Looks like the band came as a group and are leaving as a group.
  2. Fior looks kinda lost without being able to hunt like a puppy dog for Ashley.
  3. Brunette Svetlana there to clean Liza's room
  4. It's back. Sambuka went downstairs with Shantal for a little wine. No shower
  5. With all the hot women they have at this party , one of these days Carla needs to send the boys out so the ladies there can have a sauna party
  6. I think they have another location where she goes to shower , Either it is her parents place where she may still have a room or another apartment . This is the third day in row they took the dogs out with them for the entire day
  7. They brought another dog in. Valerya has not showered and any clothes changing from her occurs in the bathroom without cameras.
  8. They're back fom vacation.. Valerya has spent most of morning in the uncammed bathroom. She just changed into jeans there.
  9. Looks like he left for a trip 24 hours ago.. He packed a small gym bag so I would imagine he'll be back by the end of the weekend
  10. I’m just pissed they did this on the one day of the week I have to go to the office. LOL. Replay is going to be helpful tonight
  11. back online.. blonde girl in living room.. might be new, might be one i dont remember
  12. I dont think she's a replacement.. Probably visiting for a week or two.. This girl had redder hair back then , has gained weight and slept in the living room often in Russia. She had sex with a couple boyfriends on camera back then.
  13. Now that I see her, she has stayed at Nelly & Bogdan's Russian apartment many years ago often
  14. Nelly and Bogdan have a female guest.. Her Blue suitcase on cam 2-6
  15. B7 probably.. Theyve been blowing up balloons for the pool and B5 already arrived
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