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Everything posted by Kkru394

  1. Yes it's Nelly's 32nd. and Manon is also there as it looks like he never passes up on cake.
  2. Britney too. Fior also brought a couple I dont recognize.. The girl has redhair and the guy has a black ballcap
  3. OT- new apartment Adela and Axel.. Apartment is the exact identical apartment as Vera and Una. Appears to be next door on the same floor
  4. The brunette has very nice large boobs. She changed shirts in the bedroom a little while after they arrived.
  5. The balcony is at the same temperature as Venera and Lion and Gyana and Dantez currently.. The apartment is located in Prague. You never know maybe it's Venera's blond friend and her boyfriend took a funny name.
  6. White elephant game.. The really big present is a blow up doll. Saw Val and jul wrap it earlier
  7. They are at Venera and Lion's for the NYE party.. They brought the bulldog
  8. Update no party in B1 so far.. B5 and B2 went out but havent surfaced. K&K stayed home Santa Flor is here
  9. Sera went out.. leaving Elmira all alone.. B2 would have been there by now..
  10. The cute blond and her boyfriend just changed into Santa outfits in Venera's bedroom.. nice undies
  11. Kimberly and Nelly in B4.. Tim went back to B7 to hang out naked🤡
  12. Tim and Bogdan arrived.. Kimberly in B7 still making a big production
  13. The hot girlfriend is over.. It's her birthday
  14. IDGAF about Kristy and Taylor ever so here is a list of who could have a NYE party/guests tonight B4- assuming Tim ,maybe Kimberly and Elettra's sleazy friends show up. Edit (Alexandra and Flor just arrived so probably all of B7) B1- maybe B2 visits K&K? B5? Martina and Alberto Venera and Lion (Gyana and Dantez guests ) already started Linda and Tibor already started Val and Jul Katie and Adam already started Sam is over at Sasha,Dasha and Tasha's
  15. I;m suprised you didnt go for cam 2 when she put the panties back on. That was easily the best view of her
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