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Everything posted by Machevh

  1. I think I saw that he was evaluating some profiles together with Monica
  2. oops .. it's already one o'clock. it's Tani's band... second round started
  3. I don't think she is drunk ... she was in the room for hours talking on the phone ... maybe something else takes effect faster
  4. Elettra is unpredictable ... she can go out at all hours ... Lilith will go to bed like she has lately ... maybe after enjoying some weed with Elettra
  5. she didn't refuse, it's Kristy who pulls back. Taylor is not looking for a lesbian but a woman to fuck...she is active as you can see.
  6. but which show? this is real lesbian fucking...Taylor's unleashing pent-up lust over Kristy
  7. he has already come ... end of the challenge. the advantage of being a lesbian is that they can go on all night
  8. and immediately first for popularity .. also in front of Esmi's pussy finally in full view
  9. as they were talking she said she would be OK only for a 5-some 😱
  10. It is clear that everything that happens in COV/GOV houses is done with the aim of being attractive to users. But Taylor is a real lesbian, and he has clearly stated that he wants to fuck with Kristy, and maybe have a relationship with her. I don't think Kristy has all these stories that you tell outside the house. She doesn't go out much, almost always in the morning and afternoon, and almost always with Monica. It's not the behavior of someone who has a history outside the cameras, like Esmi for example, or perhaps Lilith.
  11. Certo, ma con RLC l'alloggio è pagato e ci guadagna pure ... vedi tu.
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