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Everything posted by Machevh

  1. Legend has it that she licked her pussy while Lilith was on her period https://media.tenor.com/dhMwQeRalvMAAAAM/confused-confused-look.gif
  2. Definitely ... and then it would be useful for both of them thinking about their wallet
  3. then maybe something more than a little makeup will be needed
  4. ok, if you see it rigidly then it is. but I always hope there will be a real and explicit cheating of someone who is actually here as a couple. this would be interesting
  5. In fact it would be. But we don't know if it was a real thing or just a hype to make fun of Tim.
  6. Sunday boring sunday! Kim in B4 right now, cooking something. Maybe she wants to avoid the couple of lovebirds in B7? I can't believe Taylor doesn't find her sexy enough to please her ... 🍌
  7. never been. come on, how many girls have we seen here sharing a room, a bed, .. taking a shower or a bath together, giving each other a massage ..
  8. But they are not a couple. Taylor is a GOV, she said it clearly when she entered "I want to have fun on this vacation ... and fuck all the girls". It seems to me consistent in all of this. Certainly this behavior may not be appreciated by some bigots ... but who cares! Before her the villa was more boring than an old soap opera .. now at least there is some life. Indeed, I must say, soaps in general are even more intriguing than RLC, as well as dramas there are also intrigues, betrayals. On RLC this is missing ... for many months now the only "cheating fact", if we want to call it in this way, is the blowjob that Tim received from Kim.
  9. this reconstruction makes sense. it would also be right in the context in which they are the drama that Kristy staged instead seems excessive to me .. typical of girls who think they are princesses and who take themselves too seriously
  10. it could be that she simply doesn't accept to see it in front of her eyes. other times she showed great curiosity by asking Taylor for all the details of her adventures
  11. although he is also a worker in the porn industry he evidently is not open-minded enough to accept this. in some ways his background may be similar to Kristy's .. and maybe so is his behavior. however I think Tani is not stupid and knows who she's dealing with. now the beauty would be if Tani let herself go doing something with Kim. what would happen? would he rush to interrupt this too?
  12. if it were a soap opera you would be absolutely right. but we are looking at a GOV, they get drunk and do stupid things without thinking too much about the meaning. I think anyone with an interest in beautiful girls would like to experience a night of sex with Tani. Plus you have to consider that this would definitely go to the top of the replay list.
  13. Maybe it wasn't a sensible move. But we haven't seen all the consequences yet, we'll see how the situation evolves. But how can you blame Taylor? She is a hunter and Tani is a too delicious prey not to have the desire to taste it.
  14. Perhaps what you write is a bit inconsistent. Maybe Tim didn't interfere in Tani's private life, but in her work choices. So maybe it's not a matter of laws, but rather a matter of work, which RLC staff should take care of.
  15. Of course, nothing can be taken too seriously in GOVs. Kristy could be for Taylor just another notch in his collection of fucks, or something more, hard to know. It is certainly a more coveted trophy because it is difficult to obtain.
  16. certainly, if they want to restore the villa to the dull state it was in before she arrived. it would be time instead for someone else to decide to pack their bags. Kristy for example, who for months teased all users with her fake games together with her partner Monica, while in the meantime she had her own life outside the villa. now she has staged this story with Taylor taking advantage of the charm she has on her but with the sole aim of using her for his interests. it's all right when she comes in drunk and hooks up with Taylor, but isn't it okay if it's the other way around? she pretends to puppeteer the mansion, but she hasn't factored in to Taylor's personality and Lillith's status… so she's not getting what she wants.
  17. I remember hearing this speech live because now I no longer have a subscription. The talk began by talking about the lubricant that was on the kitchen table. Kristy said she used it to.. (masturbate) This means that she doesn't masturbate because she feels the need to, but evidently for other reasons (business); this is also why she looks at porn to try to turn herself on and her imagination is not enough. For this she said she is jealous of Taylor for how easily she can get turned on, referring to the situation where Taylor masturbated while touching Kristy's ass.
  18. this is the excuse that is probably adopted. Actually these spaces without audio or with blind corners are often used to do things that they don't want the users to know about... which is not very in line with the philosophy of showcasing real life... other than be the main source of speculation here on the forum
  19. Exactly. This is real life censored. Some things are considered too private to be under cameras and microphones 😑
  20. Perhaps we could have done without these scenes. It's okay to see real life, but maybe this is too much
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