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Everything posted by slapjack

  1. :shithappens: RIP..... List..... Since I've been here. Adzam- His GF Karen- Tanya- Dizi- Largo- Crazy guy with the knife Honey- Crazy Bitch- Phil's first pick Cute blond with Dog- Tver apt 8 people in six weeks- I said a few days ago if Phil didn't connect with the new girl (Christy) that he would be gone. Phil also showed up Oct 8th. He lasted a long time in the meat grinder known as Voyeur Villa.
  2. There was a report that France was closing its borders. I thought at least they can close them. We in the us can't close ours.
  3. Part of one of my posts on this. I posted a few times on this subject. Glad I was right. Another prediction came true.
  4. Phil Now that its over, I agree, I noticed that there was a lot of intimacy too. Phil got laid on the first night. I hope everyone in this apt gets along and the curse has been lifted.
  5. God I hope not. Its funny they are playing a game and Christy just got naked. If Phil does get laid should we have a party?
  6. The new girl looks promising. I like the fact that they gave her a name already. I read Christy. Ozi thanks for pointing that out. It was 8 tours. I type real slow, and have to think and rethink my words. I spent a couple of years at Walter Reed learning how to speak, spell, and formulate words again. Snaky was right about something else too. He said I say the same stuff. I read some of my long winded posts. Not sure if its the same stuff but it is the same tone. Doctor said I needed a hobby where I could interact with people. I chose this. Sometimes My brain gets ahead of my fingers. But this forum has helped me use critical thinking skills again. I shut myself out of the world for the last 4 or 5 years. You guys have helped me with my desperation. Not sure why I shared all of that. Thanks for listening.
  7. I'm a man of my word. I owe you an apology. I hope you'll accept it. Now even though I got Dizi and Tanya mixed up. I want to clear something up. What is your defection of intimate? Before you judge me let me tell you a little something. Since I brought it up before I'll bring it up again. I'll add a few things as well. Since you want to know how I come to many different theory's I'll tell you. I've spent most of my adult life observing other people. I was in the Army for 20+ yrs. I've been on 8 combat missions. When you are in harms way you have to learn the local people, their customs and who's a friend and who's a foe. I can't understand Russian, But people have a lot of body language, different tones to their voices etc. Most of my time has been spent in the Vonoezth thread. I predicted Karen, Dizi, Tanya, and to some extent Largo would all be leaving the project. I'll make another one. If Phil doesn't connect with a new girl. He will be leaving as well. Now as to your contempt for me and trying to shut me up. I won't be bullied. I have contributed a lot to these forums. Unlike you who come in once a day. So unless you learn to respect others no one will respect you. Take my advice quit being an ass. If you can't handle people because they are not your equal maybe your the one that should shut the fuck up.
  8. wow just wow. I give up your so much smarter then I am. But lets try it for shits and giggles. That's an oxymoron What the fuck card are you talking about? Your the one that is trying to tell the community Phil dick was to huge for anyone else to fuck him. As to Dizi and Tanya being intimate , they were just playing in the tub for few nights. If you want to see intimate, that's what Charlie and Akria have. The night Dizi and Phil tried to fuck in the tub they got interrupted. Then Dizi went with Ivor and he fucked her brains out. We all heard it. So basically my comment on this was a metaphor. I addressed Dizi already. Sure Phil got a rub ,grind and a BJ , the second night I think. ( from Sonia ) She even grinded on him a few more times. But that was part of the script. It was for show. Something happened to their relationship after that BJ that put Phil in the friends zone. His name was Ivor. So My theory does stick. If you went back to my long winded posts, you'd see that I always talk after the event has happened. Some times I have to talk sooner then that because a curve ball was thrown. Oh I don't know lets see if the girls are somewhat alike. Black hair. I'd say a b cup. Height 5 2 to 5 4 Weight about 120 lbs. That's what I was saying they had the same frame. One more thing on Dizi. I wanted Phil and her to become a couple. I posted many times on this. You know that though because you went back and refreshed your memory right? After Dizi saw that Sonia was going to win the Ivor lottery, she gave up on Ivor. For a couple of days Dizi was trying to get Phil attention. Phil wasn't having none of it though. Hence my theory of why Phil didn't want to fuck others that had already been fucked. But you read all the posts on this right, surely you would have remembered that. Finally I want people to post when things are happening. Even if they annoy me. I'm not here to judge anyone. Having people post crap when shit happens is a good thing. We need more voices not less. The reason I posted in the first place was because you came across as condensing and a know it all. Just for the record, when I'm wrong I'll admit it. Page 111 there's an example of that. That page is also where you started from tonight even though we were up to page 118. Ignoring any of the good posts that was from the VV community. BTW I do respect you. Your comments are pretty great.
  9. Most of my posts come from the Vonoezh threads. So I spend more then 5 minutes in this apt. Also Most of my posts have been a voice of reason within this community. I've praised Phil many times. I've never said he was a virgin or didn't know what to do with girls etc. I'm the one that had to fill in a lot of blanks in the past. Lastly what I thought of her looks is subjective to what you think of her looks. I have seen her face up close. I don't think she is attractive and sexy, But I didn't say she was ugly either. So before you come in here and become the moral cop at least research my past posts. Now onto the second half of my post. I have spent enough time in this apt to make posts like the one in the quote. Phil is not attracted to Nastya. He might like her as a friend but he doesn't want to get in bed with her. The only girl prior to this new girl that Phil tried to get into her pants was Sonia. Let me fill in a blank Ivor has a big dick too. When He fucks a girl they feel it for 2 days, don't believe me ask Dizi about that. Once Dizi and Sonia had Ivor dick they couldn't get enough. So Phil having a big dick has nothing to do with the girls not being able to take it. Messa, Akira, and Ivor are in a different league then Phil is. The first 3 if they want pussy will say what ever it takes to get in the girls pants. Phil is a shy guy, he is always in the friends zone. You know what there's nothing wrong with that either. I also happen to think he's a gentlemen, kind and caring. The reason he hasn't fucked yet, is because I don't think he wants to fuck all the other girls that have already been fucked by everyone else. Hence the shyness and friends zone. Now if you had spent more then 5 minutes in Phil's head you'd also notice that this new girl Phil picked out is better looking and has a smaller frame then Nastya. Like Sonia she has the same look. So every- time I say Nastya isn't Phil's type, I'm not being mean to Nastya. I'm just commenting on Phil's pattern when it comes to how Phil reacts around the girls he does like. Further more I have always said since we don't know the language we have to wait and see how things play out. Lastly I never said because of Nastya weight I thought she was ugly. I said that I didn't think she was Phil's type. Tomorrow when the new girl leaves and a new girl comes. I bet you'll see the same type of girl for Phil. Other parts of your post is spot on though. Messa did ask for forgiveness. Maybe this is the cynical part of me. But we'll find out if his apology was sincere. I don't think it was. I bet you when there's a chance to fool around with another girl without Nastya knowledge he will act on it. Tonight in Tver he loved the attention Petra gave him. So we'll have to see how this plays out.
  10. That's a great point. I bet he said something to Nastya, about the new girls looks. Nastya needs to go too. She is emotionally screwed up. Even though I flip flopped, based on Phil kissing Nastya in the bathroom. I still don't think she is Phil's type. Messa could go for all I care. But either way its back to the drawing board in this apt.
  11. yeah who knows what is happening. But I got pop corn and rum and coke. We haven't had this wild apt since Tanya.
  12. girls fighting in messa room
  13. fatal attraction Russian style ......
  14. This might be the smartest thing said all night..... I still think the new girl is co deponent
  15. Yeah, She's back in the bathroom crying.
  16. I guess I was wrong about Phil. I think I understand part of him now. I think he was just looking for a girl that is very loyal and could be loving to him. Who knows though thing could change tomorrow lol
  17. She needs to take Messa with her.
  18. I don't know how much more of this crying I can take. She sure is a clingy co deponent girl. That would explain a lot. Even Phil looks away from her while she's keeps crying.
  19. Looks like this is going to happen.
  20. True Phil is just a nice guy. Gets along with everyone. While they are in the bathroom. Messa and the new girl are flirting. Well I guess the patience I called for earlier is out the window. New girl gets a free place to stay and a new guy to boot.
  21. Holy fucking shit !!!!!!!!! I can't believe you even went there. As much as you hate Ivor. That being said your so right about the girl. lol You might be right about Ivor too. :lmao:
  22. That's because she is part of the Adams Family. :lmao: Sonia and her are cousins.
  23. That is what I though too...... Phil now is the sr member in the apt lol.
  24. That is a bad Idea. First of all like I said Phil won't have sex with Nastya. He may let her sleep in bed ,but that's all. If you switch partners Phil loses again and Messa becomes another Ivor. Phil chose her so I'd like to see if they can connect at some point. Remember this is just the first night. You guys need to learn some patience.
  25. Phil doesn't want her though. Nastya is a big girl and not very good looking. You guys that thought she was sexy cracked me up. Phil like Sonia and this new girl. That tells me he likes petti (sp) girls.
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