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Everything posted by Prodog

  1. LOL Paul pulled a Lucas. Well now, I thought Paul was "pulling" his dick. :) Sorry. Stupid pun.
  2. If she goes out walking in the neighborhood wearing those shorts I'm sure she would cause quite a stir. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  3. This looks a lot like a Paul, Leora performance.
  4. Yeah she wasn't feeling in pain when she got home and that zucchini she cut up didn't stand a chance! She was looking pretty good in that party hat tho! Dang! She could have put that Zucchini to some good use in the bed room. Zuchchini is an interesting choice for a hangover remedy, other than the use you're thinking of. :) It looks like that hat band says I heart Barcelona. Something going on there this week?
  5. Those night cam shifts will drive you crazy. If only they were a bit less sensitive in what appears to be unchanging light.
  6. Joke's on me. As I finished my post I saw SC had already read my mind. You got get up early to stay ahead around here. :)
  7. Yes, it's back. It was temporarily unavailable. Reason unknown. It has however moved from the highlighted threads at the top to jest another thread within the body of the page.
  8. This has happened before. Sometimes it takes a couple of days for the picture thread to reappear.
  9. I can't see why she stays with him. They definitely have nothing in common except they both like to argue. It's that lucky horse shoe dick of his. There's no other explanation for it. If it gets bent any more, it will look like a horseshoe. LOL Maybe it got bent trying to get in the wrong hole. :)
  10. You had me going for a moment when you started with "Leora naked. Playing with her ....." :)
  11. This has happened a couple times before where the picture folder suddenly wanders off then reappears after a couple days. Well, that's computers for ya!
  12. I don't know if this happened to anyone else besides myself, but for a couple of days this pictures subject thread was not visible. I thought it strange but thought it would reappear quickly or the mods might be doing something with it. Finally today I got to this thread by going back through some of my recent posts and clicking on the ( Re: Leora & Paul Pictues - Split #2 ) subject line. Sure enough, the thread opened and after I posted a picture, the subject thread started to show on the main page again. I'm guessing that I was not the only one with this problem because the last post before mine this morning was from ozi a couple of days ago and it is quite common for this thread to get several posts a day. Any theories?
  13. Am I supposed to see a link ? Edit : ah ok it's for members who pay ^^ Damn For $12 for one year you can access all the pics and vids currently in the attachment center. There are almost 1100 vids and over 13,000 pics. Something there to suit everyone. Where do I go and be paid member? And where will be attachment center once I do pay? Go to the top of the page and it will be there. You have been very patient with some of the new guys. Well done SC.
  14. That should keep them happy for a day. LOL Certainly a better performance than their first day. I'm not sure about lasting a day. Members here tend to be a pretty horny bunch. :)
  15. He likely does that in 3 minutes or less as well. LOL She probably fell asleep while he was trying to have sex. :)
  16. Record what. She's up walking around and now sitting on the sofa. They went into the bedroom for a few minutes about that time. I didn't catch anything, but I guess he's referring to that.
  17. Low quality or not, the effort is appreciated.
  18. Nothing happens the code is free the user of RLC is short more :D :D El còdigo de usuario tiene uno o dos digitos menos si lo es en ese momento no estaba conectado ;) ;) Yes the corner code numbers, the watermarks and everything else only matters if you are a PAID member of RLC. They are pretty persistent about banning PAID members who post video and pictures from their PAID cameras. Obviously if you are recording anything from RLC as a non logged in free user, then there is nothing to match up. For those who are paid members of RLC the seen and hidden codes will match member log ins. Scooter did a good summary of the hidden codes a few weeks ago. If you do a search through some of his old posts you will find it. I would add one more thing for paid members of RLC trying not to be identified. Websites can match log ins and ip addresses to exactly what pages they are viewing at a particular time. So it is technically possible to match RLC member page views against video and pictures coming from those views. A post or two may not get caught that way but over time a pattern of member page views and posted material from those pages can be collected. One more question: is your information valid also if I have taken the video with my video camera, not with recording software? The on screen codes and watermark codes have been discussed here many times and are entirely accurate. (See Scooter's post. It is very detailed) The possibility of RLC matching your page/camera browsing history against video or pictures taken at those same times is speculation but I believe it's something they might do, given the lengths they go to in protecting their copyright. Wether the video is made with a camera or screen recorder.... I don't think it matters as long as you can see the codes.
  19. Nothing happens the code is free the user of RLC is short more :D :D El còdigo de usuario tiene uno o dos digitos menos si lo es en ese momento no estaba conectado ;) ;) Yes the corner code numbers, the watermarks and everything else only matters if you are a PAID member of RLC. They are pretty persistent about banning PAID members who post video and pictures from their PAID cameras. Obviously if you are recording anything from RLC as a non logged in free user, then there is nothing to match up. For those who are paid members of RLC the seen and hidden codes will match member log ins. Scooter did a good summary of the hidden codes a few weeks ago. If you do a search through some of his old posts you will find it. I would add one more thing for paid members of RLC trying not to be identified. Websites can match log ins and ip addresses to exactly what pages they are viewing at a particular time. So it is technically possible to match RLC member page views against video and pictures coming from those views. A post or two may not get caught that way but over time a pattern of member page views and posted material from those pages can be collected.
  20. This crap is spread across several threads. I hope everyone is smart enough not to install some exe application from an unknown source.
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