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Everything posted by Prodog

  1. She starts like this quite often and I started the a screen reorder also but stopped when it didn't go anywhere. The good news is: the camera angle gives us a good view of what may come in the future.
  2. For as much as that underwear covers, she might as well go without.
  3. The old saying is "If you got it, flaunt it".
  4. For all those that called them moving to a new RLC apartment, you were spot on! Apartment listing in menu down less than a day. Impressive. RLC definitely knows who the star is. Time will tell us how the cam placements work for watching Leora's antics.
  5. Too bad to lose such an interesting couple. Maybe Leora will reappear sometime in the future. She had just reached her peak. Just a matter of time before this whole thread is moved to the "archive" section. :(
  6. .... and the evidence for this assertion is? I perfectly know Russian. And I know what I'm saying. Convince yourself soon. :) We could use more Russian speakers. Hope you're right. This has been the most interesting soap opera on RLC.
  7. Merci, même si il n'y a pas grand chjose à regarder. Elle marche toujours en se dodelinant, comme si elle était sur un podium, très maniérée... Je ne l'ai jamais vu un livre à la main... The times when she (almost reluctantly) teases herself is in this viewer's opinion very erotic.
  8. There have been some over the months that have disagreed about being "the" sexiest girl but she's number one in my book. The day she leaves RLC will be a dark day indeed.
  9. Leora in the living room from February. I don't recall it being posted here before but I could be wrong. Each segment is about 16 minutes. (The Video links are no longer accessible and have been removed).
  10. Thanks. At least it gives some continuity to the session A bit of a surprise though. She must have been in big a hurry. She is usually not shy around the cams.
  11. she hided in the bathroom, so nothing to see except her back. Thanks for the heads up. but... what a drag. Clearly something has pushed the right buttons on her lately. These solo sessions have become more frequent.
  12. I was just about to upload my own recording of Leora's solo effort but no sense in duplicating the effort And... yes very hot! Hopefully someone has the the finish in the bathroom.
  13. Leora kitchen video from Rapidgator (The Video link is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  14. Leora in kitchen 12/20 (The Video link is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  15. Only lasted a few minutes. (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  16. Well done peking. This definitely falls in the category of Leora favorites. Thanks!
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