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  1. good for Kitty,always my favorite,will miss not seeing her again,maybe we should have a Kitty day.
  2. Get her friend an appt, she's looking good.
  3. Her friend reminds me of Kitty, pre boob op, nice to see someone different in the appt, brought a smile to Lindas face.
  4. then do it in front off him,not when he is asleep again.
  5. like his new girl, but won't last long if she keeps checking his mobile, did it again at 15.58, took it into the hall when he was asleep,checked it then quietly put it back.
  6. Could be more yet,Guyana & Dantez appt looking very empty now.
  7. well he' s been with her a while, guess she can take a punch.
  8. Just need Kitty with a dumb ass boyfriend to move into another appartment now & worth watching for the drama.
  9. Kitty was an attraction , he's just a distraction.
  10. Masha has been used for a long time by anyone that wants cheap sex,she has used them to pay her way & rent, finally woke up,she has trips out to other appts to try to sex them up, but no one buys it anymore, she is doing the same as walking the streets, leave here get a new life with people that care.
  11. he,ll probably rub some mayonaise on it, then lick it off
  12. this is not me that said Guatamala, it is clear it is Jamaica, even t bone in his superman kit knows that, and us numbnuts are paying for it, bring back Kitty proper sex & drama, these two are boring.
  13. vacation in Guatamala,has been putting clips on to watch
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