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Keen Observer

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Everything posted by Keen Observer

  1. Must be the longest "cycle" in recorded history. We're going on six weeks and counting.
  2. Loraine probably feeding her some BS to protect her own skin. Loraine is cute, but I believe she is a back stabber and will take anyone out that challenges her.
  3. Kylie an Rus love to probe and be probed in all orifice's. I could see Eva with a strap-on with Rus, but hopefully not a Mat/Rus display. That would just be another step down for RLC.
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if Olivia gives it up to Mat. She was more than happy to let Danial dip his wick a couple months ago.
  5. Also, prior to Radi's and Tweety's split (early April), I always got the impression that Radi was trying to coerce Tweety into doing the nasial candy with her (like she did with GF). But to Tweety's credit, she refused. I think she complained to the RLC handlers, and that sealed Radi's fate.
  6. I thought so too, when she was spending a lot of time with Cleo, Kristy & Co. But unfortunately I saw her and GF doing stuff in the evening of April 26th, just prior to her departure from the Villa. And then a couple days later, she showed up at Cleo's around 2am, I think to pick up some shirts she probably had ordered a couple weeks earlier when she was staying there. And at that time she didn't look good.
  7. Regarding the non-alcoholic substance abuse by some of the members. I never noticed this until soon after the first of the this year when I saw Radislava knelling in her closet with her GF (Cecillia) when she first showed up. I don't recall her doing it prior to that, but I suspect she started after moving to the Villa and needed something to "loosen" her up in order to hang with the partiers, since it wasn't her nature. I remember Masha visiting her around New Years and got the sense that she was there trying to persuade her of something (I think Masha is RLC that deals (no pun intended) in recruiting the members). I felt bad for Radi, because I don't believe it was her choice initially to go to the Villa, but rather stay with Mila until the Renovation of her apartment was complete and then go back. But RLC wanted her there to attract more viewers to the other members. Regarding Radi's substance use, she seemed to be getting worse as she went along, with a couple times when she was Out of It. The last was when Tweety was around and forced her to reject Radi's advances and what may have been the point when RLC advised Radi that she was leaving. I noticed on one occasion when Fior (I think that's his name) provided Radi with some of her supply after she hit him up about it.
  8. Regarding Masha. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I think she is part of the RLC group. It seems she may be part of the casting recruitment and dealing with a some of the Barcelona members in a more administrative way. Prior to Eva and Mat showing up in Barcelona, they spent a couple weeks at Masha's place.
  9. Wasn't Eva's last boyfriend Sam, who is with Masha now?
  10. At the time she left, I sent an email to them, saying that with her leaving, the quality of their assets dropped measurably. But I can understand why you think she may not return. I hope you're wrong, since I found her not only enjoyable to view from an attraction standpoint, but she was quite talented in the pleasuring aspect, either on herself or others.
  11. Having the "muscle" constantly around is probably one of the reasons why Radislava left. She never would have allowed The Boyz close to her. Hopefully if/when she comes back, they'll put her back in the Girls Resident Only apartment. And she'll have cleaned up her substance issue, as it was starting to be a problem before she left last month.
  12. They were friends from when they were on the Project previously. There was nothing they did that gave me the impression it was nothing more that friendship.
  13. Karol may have looked at her ass, but not in the way you think. She's not into woman, even for show. She may do an occasional oil massage, but she'll never take it past that. She had the opportunity last Sept/Oct, when she was living at the original Villa and Radislava was trying to seduce her, and she rejected Radi. It's probably the reason why she moved to the current location. Considering how well Radi loved to eat pussy, I'd have loved to see her between Karol's legs. But it never materialized.
  14. She's a classic Butter Face. Everything sexy, But Her Face.
  15. Did someone send Amira some red roses, or did one of The Boyz (Sam/Thor) bring them in hopes of gaining attention from her? Bet she can really smell them with that nose she's sporting.
  16. That's a motley looking crew. Or should I say, "muttley".
  17. RLC just shut down free viewing of the Dining Room. Guess they don't like my comments about Ava and Matt.
  18. There's past member, Olivia. She walks around like she thinks she's the best looking thing in the room. I remember when she use to hang in Radislava's room. I'd think why would Radi want her there, she doesn't add anything, except for bed bugs.
  19. How does one reply to a specific post on these MB's?
  20. Ava conveniently leaves them alone, so Mat can charm the pants off her. How long before they end up in the sauna.
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