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Keen Observer

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Everything posted by Keen Observer

  1. What's up with Sammy laying with his junk out. Is Loraine "cumming" to visit?
  2. Looks like Holly is wearing the same outfit as Tereza, just in white.
  3. Apparently not for me, since I don't recall them. The only thing Nana had going for her, was her personality. She seemed always laughing.
  4. I must have forgot she was there....but then Nana was quite forgettable.
  5. Nana never moved there, although she spent a lot of time there after Karol and the Twins left the Villa.
  6. Sorry to see that Karol has left. She was a nice view for the past 9-10 months. I wish she would have been more open to trying new things, aside from her BF. I know she and one of the twins (Mia or Lia) use to play grab ass games when they saw each other, but that' all it was, a game. I do know that shortly after she arrived at the Villa last Sept. Radislava flirted with her, hoping she would be interested in some fun and games, but Karol was not willing to cross that fence. Which I think resulted in her getting moved out of the Villa. Heck, maybe they'll bring back Radi and stick her in her original room, it is getting close to tomato harvest.
  7. Tereza is nice, but I'd like to see her in some other "experiences" with one of the other gals. If it's just her and Timur, that gets old after a couple rounds. If I want to see that, I can always play my previous recordings.
  8. Unless they do something different than when they were here before, it's just the same boring stuff. Now if we can see Tereza have some experiences with one of the other gals, then that would be a nice change. But watching couples fuck, gets to be old after say the first few times.
  9. I agree. One man's garbage is another man's treasure.
  10. Are Martina and Alberto doing anything to talk about.....didn't think so. Sorry for wasting your time by having to read about such nonesense..
  11. As RLC doesn't seem to care that some of their "members"/contractors are spiraling out of control before their very eyes. Are we as viewers partly to blame as well. The one that I always come back to is Radislava. When she was in her original apartment (room currently occupied by Karol), she was clean. But after being moved (against her wishes) to the original Villa, she at some point started to "use". Was this her decision or someone else (another member or RLC) in order to be able to "party" with the rest.
  12. When I first started watching RLC (4 - 5 years), back when Nelly and Bogdan were in their apartment with the cat, Nelly seemed okay (maybe anorexic). It seems like she has gotten bad over the last couple of years. What was it that changed her?
  13. You mean like Stella did back in July 2021 in Gina and Bruno's apartment. When she sat on the stove top and pissed. Then poor Bruno unknowingly made grilled cheese sandwiches a couple hours later for he and Gina. Not to mention Stella pissing herself on their couch.
  14. Personally, I found it more entertaining to "imagine" what was being said. There were a few times that I wish I could have understood the conversations, but now I have this to go too if there is anything of interest to know. If you really want to know, then broaden your horizon and learn another language. I see Rosetta Stone is offering a deal on their product. 😜
  15. Damn! I thought it was a new BF or my ultimate fantasy, Karol with another gal.
  16. Top of the hour, it's time for Holly and Thor to put on a show.
  17. Getting close to top of the hour. About time for Holly and Thor to start their engines.
  18. Holly knows how to show herself properly. Loraine, forget about it.
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