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Everything posted by Lasse

  1. I'm not at all botherd about Massi but the reactions can be fun to read! Thank you !! But yes I'm defending Karma and you are defending Massi!
  2. Massi's main task on RLC is to be ridiculed since he nowadays lives under Sara's slippers ! ( Swedish word for guys who are submissive "toffelhjälte" meaning "slipperheroe")
  3. A mans home is where he hangs his hat. Massi's hat mostly hangs in Sara's room.
  4. If Massi cooks pasta - he always does - he is a MASTER-Chef !
  5. I like Karma very much and I will keep on defending her !! It beats my mind why she so often is the target for so many unproven rumours. She can indead say NO but she doesn't make a big scen when she does!!
  6. I am quite certain that she didn't ask for it but that she stopped him ! As she also stopped Massi etc.
  7. Karma has gone all the way sexually with 2 (two) persons. First with Sara a couple of times and then with Tantra-Chris. She has cuddled with a few more, but without fucking with them !! I wouldn't say that is a whore-behaviour or being a slut!! If so the world is overcrowded with whores !!
  8. They have the kind of sex they both like but by now they should do someting else too. I mean they must have some more common intreststs then being in bed 48 hours in a row!!
  9. I certeinly like her but I think she deserves a boyfriend who makes her more glad! When Chris is around she shuts off all socialising with the others and goes into isolation. Not so good in the long run!
  10. Karma and the guy had a conversation about the "new age" things they have in common like they somehow know eachother. Add to that Karmas face-expression and the eyes she gives him !!!On top of that he asked for Karma when he came.(Using her real name) May we hopefully say goodbye to Tantra-Chris ???? RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  11. It is very bright in the cameras ( in 1-3 too ) But it dosn't brighten up the room much ! It must be an enviroment friendly, low current, unefficient LED-lamp!
  12. Yes she is a grown up ! I still felt sorry for her, but I may have missunderstood the situation with her meditation stuff ! I truly hope so !!
  13. Karma is depressed and even crying ! Does anybody know why ? I just logged in. I feel genuinly sorry for her but she should go upstairs and talk with the other girls.
  14. I'm sorry to say this but I think the Caroline - Frisky romance is over! Just a feeling without any proof !!
  15. A week ?!! Rather a month if that is enough !
  16. They would have to tie him up then.
  17. Park hasn't a clue how to satisfy a woman ! He has tons to learn !!!
  18. I was thinking about how he was last night ! He didn't even enter Medusas bedroom but stayed in the doorway ! First he knocked on the door and WAITED for a response. Has never happened before !!
  19. Sara has killed Massi's hunting-instincts! ( At least for a day or two ). But Sara will soon enough have some wierd visitors to enjoy herself with! After all she is the Queen of B4 !
  20. Medusa and Massi flirting in the kitchen. He will gladly break up with Sara for a week just to get in bed with Medusa!! Then talk his way back to Sara again !! No problem !
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