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Everything posted by illy

  1. @StnCld316 charge this man a fiver every time he mentions Karma for no reason and the board will have more than enough extra cash to permanently fix the hosting issues.
  2. It's like watching myself four months into lockdown.
  3. You've said this a few times but you can't seriously believe RLC exists for the purpose of adjusting the world's moral compass? Daytona wanted to join RLC for the payday, and RLC were happy to give him a bed because they knew they would be able to cater to their male subscribers who secretly like to watch men fuck each other but prefer one to be wearing a skirt at the time so they can tell themselves it isn't gay. The only thing being promoted here is a fetish. And Daytona knows that. If he truly wanted to win over hearts and minds, he would have auditioned for Doctor Who instead of an adult website.
  4. 22 of your last 26 posts in the B4 section have been about Karma. I could carry on counting but I already know what conclusion it would result in. Are you sure it isn't you with the obsession?
  5. I see they have finally stopped treating Seda like a complete leper despite being unstable messes in their own ways. Their lack of self-awareness these past few days has been astounding. You would think they were all the perfect picture of perfect mental health the way they teamed up to point fingers at one tenant who isn't. There was a great, ironic moment in the kitchen yesterday when Seda had her back turned to everybody while drinking at the sink. Daytona practically burnt a hole in the back of Seda's head with the glare that got fired across the room by him - as if he isn't also living in a state of complete delusion. The rest of them are just as bad at not realising how much shit they are carrying around with them.
  6. Today's events in B4 were so predictable. The shitshow with Seda in the kitchen yesterday was only ever going to lead to everybody else in the house realising how long it had been since they all last stood in a room together for something other than excessive drinking and drug taking. So now they all get to re-bond in the aftermath of being given some perspective on how fractured and cliquey they had allowed B4 to become, and all while absolutely nothing improves with Seda herself.
  7. I wouldn't jump straight to that conclusion. Sleep deprivation is not something to fuck around with. It takes as little as 24hrs of no sleep before mild forms of mania and psychosis can be triggered even in people who are perfectly healthy, with full blown episodes occurring after 48hrs, and the effects won't look any different to real psychiatric disorder. She was not behaving like this on arrival, that I recall? Either way, RLC should probably intervene because whatever is going on, nobody in B4 (understandably) looks to want the responsibility of watching over her.
  8. You seem very confident of that. Are you a woman yourself? Because I am. And I can assure you even the strongest of women will go along with the unwanted advances of men because they understand that to tolerate participating in what they don't wish to is so often the better, safer outcome than 'not putting up with that shit'. The internet is full of horror stories about what is known as 'rejection violence'. Anybody here wanting to understand why the women of B4 'don't just say no' or 'don't just tell him to go away' should spend a few minutes reading these horror stories from the women who did try to tell a man she wasn't interested. That is not something a woman willingly communicates unless certain the environment she is in will protect her from potential harm. And even when certain, she will still communicate it as gently as she can. B4/7 is a much safer place to be approached in than a say a bar or a club, given the presence of the cameras and other people being within yelling distance - and yet the women here still choose to humour Massimo instead of bluntly telling him to leave the room, because that is how conscious they are of any man being a potential danger. This understanding cannot be switched off just because being in these houses vs a bar/club makes it less likely a rejection will lead to the worst of the worst outcomes. You should try watching the reactions of the women who are actually in the presence of Massimo instead of making up hypothetical reactions of women who aren't.
  9. Lesbian relationships are not imitations of man/woman. It is not the case that one half plays the role of 'subservient woman' and the other half plays the role of 'dominant man' like they might if in a heterosexual relationship. And neither is it the case that a woman having short hair or preferring to wear a suit means she is trying in any way to be a man or play the role of one.
  10. From today's website update: "...Zabava has returned as well, alongside Aziza who is now joined by her friend Seda..." ???
  11. I see Massimo chose to have his headwear channel Boy George. Someone post the eventual timestamp for when he tries to woo her with a rendition of Karma Chameleon.
  12. Major red flag. There are ways to make it known you don't like a partner's smoking habit, and his way was not it. Sideshow Bob put his controlling tendencies on display for all to see. It starts with the cigarettes, and before you know it, he is dictating what the woman in his life can and can't wear, where she can and can't go. Octavia needs to toss his number out the window and never let there be contact again.
  13. Karma might get a stay of execution if RLC fill an empty bed or two in B4/B7 this side of Christmas. If not, there is now nobody else left up on the hill for him to smother but her. I really don't think he would be stupid enough to try for Nelly on camera - not unless it is some kind of scripted theater everybody is in on.
  14. northguy isn't saying the nicknames themselves have a transphobic meaning, he is saying the use of any negative nicknames is people being transphobic. Or in other words, people don't like Daytona just because they are transphobic people and this is why they're using negative nicknames instead of using Daytona. Now, if we apply that same logic to northguy, it must be that northguy only likes Daytona because Daytona is trans. Which is itself transphobic, because northguy's like for Daytona would either be out of pity or a fetish.
  15. She took some kind of key off her chain and left it with Alberto. Maybe that was at least the final time she lets herself into the apartment? But I think it maybe wasn't the door key at all, because it looked like she had to make sure she was passing him the correct one.
  16. It was said on the night of Martina's party that Taco was going with Alberto to his new house for the weekend and that Martina would return to the apartment to collect Taco (+ more of her things?) once all were back from the house. I didn't see if Alberto returned when Taco and Juliet did. But Martina herself has now arrived at the apartment.
  17. Only two pages in and already poor bachelor pad era Alberto is being labelled boring & never home. I propose an new RLC spin-off: realrenovationcam.com We can all watch some *actual* paint dry.
  18. I didn't need a goodbye from Martina. I would have been satisfied enough by just seeing her walk out the door for the new chapter that I've spent the last couple of years seeing she desperately needed. That she did say goodbye is a nice bonus. I wish her all the happiness. Seeing her dance in the kitchen never failed to make me smile and I'll miss catching those silly little moments. Goodbye to Taco too, who was the real Lord of this manor.
  19. When was the last time she was spotted? I thought I was going to see M get a visitor today but it was the just the delivery man(?) with the spiffy new bike, as you described it.
  20. I'm presuming Martina did actually sleep elsewhere last night and returned early this morning? She looked to have already been in the apartment for a while before I noticed her. I did see that M&J slept in the bed, for once. And that nobody slept on the couch. But I never thought to check the guest room. After watching her leave with Taco last night, I was surprised to see either again so soon. That she came back to the apartment with the dog in tow makes me think her new place either isn't suitable for leaving him alone during the daytimes or she is trying to get him gradually used to the new place before she leaves him alone there. His own presence in the apartment surely isn't a RLC contractual obligation 😂 I do think her continued presence maybe is, though (among other factors).
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