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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. And Elvira, Adelita, Annabella, Amina, Adri, Laima, Darina...
  2. She's not usually shy !! What is going on with her ?? Really disappointing
  3. Mila ??? WTF ?? We've already seen you licking girls !! Come on !!
  4. Will that STOP once and for all ?? ALL the BS ?? All we've seen recently is just Bullshit, Complaining ... and so on, and so on ... Sick and tired of that !!
  5. Could be nice to see Mila, Radi and Naomi in a steamy session ! We can dream, it is free ...
  6. Maybe Naomi will visit Mila ? Could be nice ... since we'be been seeing Mila, quite sure she is into girls... She had sex with a lot of girls since we saw her coming in the project ... I don't think she has interest in guys... She already had the big suite in B4 and it was ONLY girls who visited her in that bedroom ...
  7. Don't sorry I understand quite well ... I can't imagine the fact that since this couple is there, the mood has completely changed and it is not for the best !!
  8. It is quite a coïncidence that just he talked to the girls, fun stopped ! He MUST leave , period ! Then we'll have fun like we used to have in the 2017-2018-2019 !!
  9. Or just give them their own bedroom ... Then, maybe we could have something ... Together, we'll never have anything...
  10. Just get rid of Nelly/Bogdan, bring new girls ONLY , and the fun will be back ! I'm sure of that ... I think Bogdan has a major influence on the girls ... See what happened with Elian and Tesla ! The fun and craziness were back in the Villa , then he made that stopped ! Result: the funny girls are all gone ... And they brought back girls like the twins ( Nice girls but do absolutely NOTHING and put them in the big master bedroom upstairs, where we could have fun with girls who want to have fun ... they could have put the twins in the big bedroom downstairs ( 3.01-02-03 ), would have been enough for they give us as entertainment ...
  11. Wow ! Quand la "classe" est passée, tu étais visiblement absent !!
  12. Same for me... Really think she would have been happier in B2 with Mila !!
  13. Radi packing her coats in the hall ... Leaving ?? Or moving ??
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