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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Those years ( 2017-2019) were the best ...
  2. Sara is so much dumber than I thought ... Keep going to him ... They really belong and fit together ... Two dumbs ... Hope they'll never have kids ...
  3. Wish when he wakes up, she'll be gone back to B2 !!
  4. Now faking sleeping ! 😂 He's just a joke !!
  5. After her shower, I hope she'll get dressed and give him the biggest Blue Balls he deserves ...
  6. We all know he doesn't take NO for answer ... So he'll probably insist again ... and again ...
  7. He'll soon probably show her his hard dick to impress her ...
  8. We all know she can take photos or videos all by herself ... My Idea is that he insists to take the photos and hopes that he will be able to touch and fuck her ...
  9. I agree with you that it must be hard to be in front of a sexy girl in underwear ... But that DOESN'T give you the right to touch if she says NO and PUSH away
  10. Yes she is in sexy underwear in front of him ... But that DOESN'T give him the right to touch and harass her ...
  11. He won't change a bit ... He keeps trying to touch her even if she keeps pushing him ... And he won't stop until...
  12. He's got balls to sleep on Sara's bed ... WHY doesn't he go back at B7 in HIS bed ??
  13. 30 minutes !! That's the time where he'll put her head down for a BJ ...
  14. He was so "attracted" to Sara ! ... Yeah right ! He didn't waste his time ...
  15. Et voilà ! Il a réussi à rester ... 😡👎
  16. He'll do EVERYTHING he can to stay in B4 with Dayana tonite ... It won't be easy for her to get rid of him ...
  17. One thing is sure... At the height he was, and the size of the bag he threw, he could have seriously hurt somebody.. He's just an imbecile !
  18. Mass should bring his friends to B7 , where he stays ... If he's through with Sara, he doesn't belong to B4 anymore ...
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