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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Since few days, Amira made some effort to loosen up ... Let's wait it will continue
  2. She had a lot of good times with lots of girls ( Damira, Pam, Daniela, Ariela )
  3. Is Amira waiting for someone ?? She was asleep, then woke up... Talking to the phone, running a bath !!
  4. What did Babi do with her lips ?? A bit too much ??
  5. What's the meaning of lighting candles for a sensual bath when all they did was washing their hair and small caresses ... ☹️
  6. Think Monica will try a move on Amira ... Let's wait for the response ! 🤞
  7. I don't want her to be replaced, she is very beautiful , but if she keeps going out and not stays in the appartment , I wouldn't mind ... But my first choice is her to stay ...
  8. Since B4 reopened few weeks ago, still have cams not available . When will B4 2nd floor cams will come back ?
  9. Ariana... Ready to go out AGAIN ?? Even if she is a nice looking girl, I think she should be replaced ASAP ... She is never there ...
  10. Funny to see Milena wearing more clothes with her man than with Monica and Amira !! 😉
  11. EXACTLY! That is why they are hired ... To entertain us ! And if they can have bonuses as well, good for them !
  12. A lot of people keep complaining and talk about the old times and former tenants and how they miss them ( Lola, Polya, Anna) ... And the big orgy night they had in B2 few years ago ) ... It was as fake as it is today, but people were just saying how awesome if was ... To me, it is the same kind of thing ... You probably not agree with me, and it is ok, you have the right to think that... As I can disagree with you. That doesn't make us bad people ...
  13. Just a question : what would you like to see that could please you as a customer/subscriber ?
  14. Agree with you about internet ... So, if I understand correctly, you prefer paying 45.00/month to watch them watch TV and not having fun together , which also can be reallife for some girls to please each others ...
  15. Sorry to say that , guys, but I'm sick and tired to hear complaints on everything they do or not ... It will ALWAYS be shows ! If they do watch TV, complaints ! If they do shows, complaints ! I prefer to see them doing shows than just watch TV , even if I know it is just a SHOW !! Once again, sorry ...
  16. Rien contre elle mais j'espère qu'elle participera un peu plus aux activités au lieu de s'isoler dans son coin ... Laissons lui la chance, elle vient d'arriver
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