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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. In B4, we have Princess Holly from Tattoo-Ine and they've been watched by Darth Megan!! 😂
  2. 2 things about the "new couple" : 1) they don't look a couple at all... at least, they don't act like a couple... 2) Carlos looks a little " retarded"... Doesn't seem to be there all the time!
  3. Or maybe they went to the airport get the new tenant, who is Holly's friend ? Maybe ??
  4. That was the only app yesterday where there was no activity... So tonite, action will be at B2 ( or not ? ) Let's see what we'll have...
  5. To be honest, the party was between Amalia,Gina and Ariana most of it ... Even the guests ... but no Sera again !
  6. Someone knows what Sera did last night ?? Oh yes ..... NOTHING !!
  7. Amalia did tonite what she has not done in B2 : real pussy licking !
  8. Even when a couple is fucking beside her, Sera still does NOTHING !! She is really pathetic !!
  9. Is there something he DOESN'T get ?? They want him out the room... It is clear ...
  10. ALWAYS the same with Serafima : NOTHING, NOTHING AND NOTHING !! Why RLC keeps her ?? And to be honest, I don't find her that attractive ( I know some will disagree ) but I would prefer a girl like Amber who is 100% more sensual and sexy than Serafima ( for me )
  11. Now Amalia should show them what "real pussy licking" is ... She's very good at it
  12. Who could have said few weeks ago that we would have more action in B2 than B4 ?? Not me, even though I had hopes ...
  13. I liked what I saw tonite ! For once, we had real kissing, not fruit or beer exchange... There was more passion and it was fun to watch ! Thanks girls for a nice evening ... 🥰 Hope we'll see more and why not bring Amalia ? She is used to these games ...
  14. I think Milena should leave and go prepare herself for her BIGGEST PROJECT EVER ( becoming a mother) ... Anyway, she doesn't do anything but pass all day long in her room ... No more interaction with the others ... I don't have any problem with the fact that she is pregnant, but I think she should be with her man to prepare what the next months will be for them...
  15. Why Holly keeps sleeping with Gina ?? Nothing happens with these two... TBH, I would prefer to see Holly and Ariana together !
  16. Un peu ordinaire comme commentaire ! Tu pourrais te garder une petite gêne ...
  17. Fun to see how obvious Lucian is STILL on drugs. He needs to get all the attention by acting like a total idiot ... It is really pathetic...
  18. Taylor must be so happy to be around all these ladies ! For her, it looks like a candy shop ! 😉
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