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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. You may think what you want, but the fact is that Olya has been assaulted . A girl who tried to escape and is forced to do something by the force and without her consent is a physical abuse ... so YES it was an assault ... THAT'S IT !!
  2. Too bad Alex doesn't interact anymore with Bonnie ! They had a nice chemistry ... Really don't know what happened !
  3. The show we just had is NOTHING compared to what we used to see between Bonnie and Alex !! So staged, just ridiculous laughing... And Lucian thinking he is the King !!
  4. I disagree.. before Diane looked through the window, Olya already tried to escape but she couldn't ... Sorry for all who think it was ok ... it was not ... You won't make me change my idea on that ...
  5. If RLC is ok with that, I will have to consider maybe to leave ... I can't accept that !!
  6. My friend, if you can say and swear on the " Holy Donald the 1st " than that bastard didn't make an assault on Olya with all the images we have ( kitchen and bedroom ) ... I will understand why the U.S. has the "fakest President of the history of that country" , like he likes so much to tell everybody !
  7. Preparing what was Elettra's bed ! Just arrived with Milena but no suitcase ... Maybe preparing her moving !
  8. Fiora in B4 ... Seems to install herself in the the big room ( Cam 12-14 )
  9. Sorry to disagree with you my friend, but there was a period where she didn't have any pleasure ... He was much stronger than her, and I think she decided not to resist ... But she didn't like it ... She tried at least 5 times to get out of there, and he kept bringing her back without her consent ... If you think she had pleasure with that kind of behavior , you are so wrong my friend ... It was clearly a sexual assault by that dumb guy ... really hope we won't see him again...
  10. Watched the replay .... Cam 2.02 between 18:51 and 19:07 ... If you don't call that a sex agression ... Sorry but you're blind !! How many times Olya tried to leave and he kept bringing her back on the bed, squeezing her arm, forcing her to blow him ... The only place he deserves to sleep is in JAIL !! He is a sex offender... and should be BANNED from RLC, just like the Little bum who was on B1 few weeks ago and tried to lick Babi while she was sleeping ...
  11. On peut regarder l'intimité des autres sans avoir à assister à une agression sexuelle ... On aime bien voir certaines choses, mais cette fois-ci, c'est allé beaucoup trop loin !!
  12. Think the reason why Olya is crying is the way it ended ... He was so rough wiith her and he was too insistant ... Too bad, it was an awesome day... For me, it was a sexual agression ... Period ! The girls should think twice before inviting them again ...
  13. Even predict a girl-girl show with Diane and Olya ... then the guys will join !
  14. From what I'm seeing this morning, we will have a foursome bybthe end of the day ...
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