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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. It is strange it happened when Ginger was eating Milena ( or so it looked like it ) ... Maybe Milena asked Gina to throw up at that specific moment ! 😉
  2. Bonnie and Rama have been so boring lately... Think it's time for them to leave ... They never interact with anybody ...
  3. Like I told, I don't have problems with guys in the house... But they are GUESTS ( invited by ... ) ... So they have to behave like GUESTS ... And not insist on the girls to get a favor... And when the party is over, and there is no sign of possibility, they LEAVE, period !!
  4. Sorry to say that but Gina looks really stupid right now ... Know she's drunk but...
  5. Not again guys, but if they could behave like they should ... That would be fine for me ... But you know exactly why they appear ... They just wanna fuck Russian Girls, period !
  6. If the guys appear, I make you a prediction .. Gina's drunk , Cesar will try on Babi... And Gina will leave crying like a baby ...
  7. Fiora is almost always un a good mood ... She really looks a party girl to me
  8. After what they did on B1 few nights ago, sorry, no more tolerance for me ... These are bastards and should be banned from RLC
  9. Anyway, the boys couldn't stay for the night ... Piper and Taylor in their room, Fiora doesn't seem to like these guys and Mimi has a boyfriend ... So...
  10. That could be an interesting party... If the boys don't show !!
  11. He makes her do whatever he wants ... She is blinded by that guy...
  12. Malia, why don't you kiss Leora ? She'll be surprised, but who knows ? She might like it !!
  13. Once again, Lucian had a little more ... Next step will be that he will tell Alex to be eaten by Kim while he fucks her ...
  14. I'm certainly not, but if the door is closed, and the girl is sleeping, DON'T COME IN unless she wants to ... That little bastard that just came in Babi's room, started to finger her and trier to lick her should be BANNED for LIFE on RLC ...
  15. Le problème, c'est que quand le party est fini et que les filles sont couchées, les invités quittent, c'est aussi simple que ça ... Ils n'ont pas à dormir sur place et espérer une invitation ..
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