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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Once again, twins are left alone... Will they get the message ?
  2. While Valerie was massaging Alla, in B1, twins were competing by massaging each other ... TBH, I prefered B4 !!
  3. I don't disagree with you ... What I said was just a wish to see them having fun together ...
  4. Maybe .... But even if you don't like it, I still would love to see it ... I know that my chances are little, but I keep hoping ...
  5. Kissing ... More passion in the kiss ... Aria butt naked ... Sweet caressing
  6. They are alone ... and drunk ... would be nice if they just wanted ...
  7. It is becoming ridiculous ... With all the "offline" Appartments we had in the last weeks, RLC could have given us a rebate...
  8. We all know why RLC brought her back ... To have action in the houses ... That's what we have ... Let's just enjoy it !! Thanks Valerie !!!
  9. With Damira, they had pussy living, and dildoing... Don't remember her using a strapon on Damira !!
  10. If it is "the Monica", don't mind at all for a rejoined !! Very happy to see her back ...
  11. OT New couple in Couples on Vacation : Piper and Taylor ... Wonder if it is the couple Who was in B4 few days ago
  12. Just noticed Blair is back ... Also seen that she had a new boob job ! To be honest, the result is much better than what she had before, even if it is obvious ...
  13. Tonite, I give a mention to Nice ... She took a step up , kissing the girls , especially Aria ...
  14. Is everyone avoiding B1??? Funny to see there is no post since thursday .... I have to admit there is NOTHING to say about B1 ...
  15. Party tonite ! Seen the B2 Girls preparing themselves, black lingerie... Probably coming to B1 !! Looks like Halloween party !!
  16. With a temperature of 14C, not sure it is a good idea to take the TV outside ...
  17. Let's just hope they will continue the shows they gave us the last time ... It was more interesting ... Lots of kissing and dildo bating ...
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