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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Think he left but I just hope he 'll NOT come back with the Dylan !!
  2. Suggestion for Aziza:. Bring all the girls on your Room and LOCK the doors !!
  3. She should listen to Tani ... Don't trust that guy ! High all day long ...
  4. Hey man, I just asked a question ... Wasn't talking about their lesbian stuff but they barely talk to each other lately ...
  5. Is it just me but the relation between Ashley and Gloria isn't the same anymore ? Lot colder than it was ...
  6. If he really caresabout her, he would stay at her side ... and sleep !
  7. If she keeps taking his hands away, I don't think it is a YES to me !!
  8. Sure he must say to himself: WHY is she rejecting ME ? I AM THE ONE !! It is impossible ...
  9. Il a besoin de baiser ... Ça fait quand même 2 jours !! 😂
  10. Is the party already over ? Or just never started ??
  11. Will that theme party start soon ?? Playing charade games disguised like that did not put a mood for a party !! A disguised party should give us sexy moments ... but Lara is in the house ... So not sure anymore
  12. I like the vibe between Gloria and Azura... And I'd like to see them join Aziza upstairs and play together ... They all get along well ...
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