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Everything posted by menouscope2015

  1. Monica doesn't belong in the project anymore... Shows no interest... We need someone like Tesla to spice up the Villa... Or Damira... Even Harley and Ulyanna
  2. He could at least offer to help... But all his attention was to eat!
  3. Just saw the Replay with the sink problem... And Esmi tried to fix it.. And emptied it... And all Zaba's friend cared was " Eating"... Didn't even offer to help or tried to fix it... An absolute loser to me...!
  4. Watched the party in the LR... Really liked the chemistry and the vibe between Taylor and Tani... More to come... 🤞
  5. Zaba's BF reminds me Bruno or Cesar, or whatever his name was... All he wanted was eat, sleep and fuck... Period! Just can't...
  6. Y a rien qui l'empêche de chercher un boulot... Et pouvoir payer ses choses et non juste profiter et abuser des autres...
  7. Watched Samson and Elettra! Someone must teach him how to kiss! Geez, it always looks like he wants to wash his partner with his tongue and his wide opened mouth! He is so overexcited by all this, just can't control himself... He is so scary to see...
  8. Don't think it will happen, but might Esmi go back to B4? Would be a big surprise!!
  9. If I can give an advice to Taylor: Don't lose your time with Kristy and concentrate on Tani instead!
  10. Kristy's nothing but a big TEASE! Nothing else, never finishes what she starts!
  11. Elettra got a big cucumber in the LR... Maybe a BJ contest? Sure the winner would be... Samson!!
  12. Now the chair is ready for another " fake lapdance" performance all planned by Kristy and Lilith!
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