I just don't get some of the guys on RLC. Dude is getting a blow job, but keeps looking at his phone...... :wtf:
When I'm getting a BJ, the giver has my undivided attention.
At least at one point he started taking notes, so that he can learn how to give one.... :lmao:
He's not thinking this through.
What happens when he's tied up and she flips out on him again? :screwy:
But then, he might be able to restrain her...... ;)
Edit: Fixed Emoticons
"According to some people in another thread some of their arguments were about Paul being jealous of other guys staring at her while she was at school."
But they live here where the whole world can stare at her........ while fapping........
I rest my case.
I saw her in the shower one day just talking up a storm and gesturing with her arms like she was giving someone "what for". Wild eyes, yelling, flinging her arms about, wet hair, standing naked in the shower. She looked like a crazy person at that moment. F'him wasn't in the house at the time.
I pass through, only see Lucus the Tucas flexing and admiring himself in the mirror. Just saw him dry humping Veronica through the covers, so I thought things might get interesting. Wrong. He lay down on the floor next to the bed and covered up. WTF?
Man, is Paul talented. He was simultaneously fondling Leora's bare ass while appearing to watch television, listen to something on his head phones, and playing with his hand held device-- then rolls over to count sheep!
I wouldn't be able to get past the bare ass and assorted parts, myself. ;)
Yea, I just don't get him. Too stupid to fuck, I guess. What a waste of a gorgeous girl. He gets her worked up, then stops to go play with his damn computer....... I'd like to bitch slap him, then saunter over to her and show him how it is done. ;)