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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I will assume you are talking to me with this post so I will give you my answer..........I don't watch and haven't watched RLC for a very very long time now but that in no way is going to keep me from posting about what does or doesn't happen in these people's pathetic lives!!
  2. Where I live, when you want to go to a restaurant, you have to wear a mask from the entry door to your table. Once at the table you can take your mask off and visit and eat like normal. If you get up to go to the bathroom or to leave after you have eaten the mask must be worn. For other places that you may go, the mask is totally optional. The ones that care, wear it and the ones that don't...don't.
  3. IMHO this kind of activity anymore is just sad because there is no emotions involved....it's just a show! However, if you like seeing it over and over and over again, get ready because it will increase 10 fold with that skank Masha there.
  4. No matter what the case Ashley, I'm sorry you were involved in such violence!! I also wish you would have told your dad so at the very least he could have beat the crap out of him!!!!!! There is nothing better than when a father steps in to take care of his children!
  5. How long did that take? It doesn't matter though, does it? From what I hear they have plenty of hiding spaces to do their hard drugs, like at the bottom of the 3rd floor stairs and the popular meeting place just off the kitchen. The sad part is how RLC condones their habitual drug use when they should be trying to get those people some help!!
  6. EXACTLY!!!! Fuck that ugly bitch and send her ass home!!!
  7. You know me, never at a lack for words, but the B5 bullshit shows aren't even worth commenting on anymore!! Monica, I never knew you would be so desperate!!
  8. It's all about the Villa for Nelly & Bogdan! No other places matter to them as long as the Villa is the best!
  9. Fucking ridiculous if you ask me!! Another fucked up move by N&B!!
  10. you should have killed the piece of crap! now all he is going to do is hurt some other girl and so on and so on. sorry Ashley, but the best place for a guy like that is 6 feet under IMO.
  11. To each his own, hetero sex is not for me and the rest of the repeats and cave dwellers.....I have no interest in!!
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