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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. It's funny to me how some think Loraine is such a beauty, to me she is just average at best, and there is something that just don't look right with her body.....sorry to disappoint some of you but that's how I remember her! However, I also agree that Holly and the rest of the entire RLC cast are all just average. Take Rosemary for example, she was average as well but she was a girl that truly had the girl next door look and that in itself made her very attractive in my eyes and that goes for several others that have appeared on your computer monitors over the years. There is not a girl currently in B1, B2, B4, or B5 that is worth $5.00 a month, much less $45.00 a month!! All the other girls in the single/couple apartments are nothing more than average!
  2. From what I was told, he didn't hit her like he would have if the cameras wouldn't have been involved....that was pretty obvious from what I was told. He did apparently hit her pretty hard with clothes I was told. Apparently it looked like to my friend that Cesar is growing tired of the whole Gina thing from what he observed but since Cesar doesn't have boot a boot to piss in and carry's all of his worth in a plastic bag wherever he goes, his only recourse is to STFU and move on where he is being taken care of by a nymph that has absolutely no self respect. The two should be banned from RLC forever in my opinion due the the outburst/violence they displayed that night. Quite frankly I've never liked Gina or Cesar, Gina is nothing but a drug abuser as is Cesar. It's pretty sad when people get up at 8am to get a fix on their drug habits!!
  3. I was told the only reason Cesar didn't hit Gina that night was because of the camera's.....and he would lose his stableboy duties
  4. If you aren't the pot calling the kettle black!! I'm on Philo's side here and I can't believe that they both haven't been kicked off RLC yet. There must be no other girls sharing a bed!!!!!
  5. Please tell me that none of you thought he wouldn't be back today, which is just in time for the BS shenanigans that will go on in B5 this weekend!! Radi.....I hope you are current on all your shots
  6. Go back to your igloo or wigwam whichever the case may be! He is right and they both should be kicked out as soon as possible, and DD before you say anything about Paul and Leora.....I don't give a shit!!
  7. Your day will come and I hope you are right with the lord!!
  8. Doesn't sound like she's avoiding it to me. If she was, she wouldn't be hanging around that vulture Claire!
  9. I'm sorry Alladino but in this case you are WAY wrong, it is the people and especially Nelly & Bogdan. Those two alone have always been about the drama and the shows. It's time for all of them to leave across the whole of RLC and bring in totally new and fresh faces!!! That makes 2 of us!
  10. Enough beating this dead horse....I don't care what other members on this forum think or react to me. I don't sugar coat shit and if people can't handle that, it's their own damn problem. I also don't kiss these tenants asses in hope for something out of them and that goes for when I used to be a subscriber. So DD, in other words....spare me your fucking bullshit and move on!!
  11. The only thing she will find in all of this is veteran vultures looking for another patsy!!
  12. Do you honestly think I give a rats ass about what other members reactions on this forum are about me? Save yourself some time in trying to figure that one out little boy.......I DON'T!! Unlike you and others that are so full of yourselves.
  13. It's still cheating no matter how you look at or how you try to justify it in your own mind!
  14. I'm just that good!!! There is no substitute for experience young man!
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