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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. If he is anything like Cesar and I'm sure you couldn't tell them apart, he probably emptied his balls a couple of times since he's been out.
  2. That toy they use on chaturbate now is what turned me off to chaturbate. If I ever logon to chaturbate now, i will only watch the girls that don't use that stupid toy!
  3. Get Nelly and that worthless Bogdan out of there and you would be surprised how B4 would turn around!!
  4. I respect your views and although I don't agree with them at all, you are entitled to your views and opinion. I was raised to honor, protect at all times, love and cherish any woman that I would ever be involved with and never step outside the relationship/marriage for any reason and never to go to bed angry with each other. I never felt the need to be with another woman after I married my wife, we always kept it fresh and alive and for those that say that's bullshit, are those that only think with their little head!!
  5. Why should she give a shit about putting her nasty dirty shoes on the sofa, it's not her shit so why does she care? She sounds like a real freak of anything normal to me.
  6. You have now announced that you are no better than he is and I now see why you take up for the bastard so much....you are both totally worthless in my opinion!
  7. Sorry, but I don't like a cheater and never will and what she is doing is totally wrong in my eyes! Before anyone can say anything, open relationships is cheating out of one's own inabilities to be satisfied. That's not how life works and I will always speak up against it!!
  8. I believe Lucky because I have also been told by others that the shit show Bogdan has been playing is real. You keep your blinders on and stay in your own little bubble like a good cock lover!
  9. Leave my son out of it Moos, this has nothing to do with him and for the last time I'm telling you he is not perverse!! Myself on the other hand, I can't deny what you say just as you can't deny what I say about that POS Bogdan!
  10. LOL don't worry, my son is not perverse and Bogdan is quite perverse just like the rest of you that watch this shit!
  11. LOL I was a little too early on my response, I should have read this post before posting.....my bad Noldus.
  12. Have they ever since she's been around? If not, then it's not going to happen now.
  13. From the sound of it, I agree. The problem I have is that she is still able to come to the apartment at all. It just shows a lack of disregard concerning stealing, it's bad enough that RLC condones all the drug use but stealing....I hate a fucking thief!!
  14. Don't know about Smith, and my son has one too and he's not a pervert but Bogdan is a POS pervert....end of story!!
  15. LMAO you need to get your fat wife (your words, not mine) to give you some pussy!!
  16. LOL drones are loud, he needs to think of a better way. If he bought a drone like you say, it is with one purpose in mind and that's to get his rocks off by doing fly overs at the pool in the summer....no other reason for such a creepy pervert like him!!
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