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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Of course he's not, he's a fricking manager for Pete's sake. No. 1, he's a married man! No. 2, he's a manager regardless of what some might think. No. 3, if he fucks up this manager job by fucking around he stands to lose 2 things in his life...his manager job and Nelly. He can do with losing Nelly but he is not about to do with losing his mangers job. No. 4, he has to be respectful do to his job status. No. 5 there is nothing to ruin with Nelly, she's already ruined!! No. 5, I'm fully aware that before N&B came to the house that it was already ruined but my point is with them being there it isn't going to change that....case in point, just look at tonight for example, their presence has made a damn bit of difference. No. 6, my whole stance on this issue that you seem to accept, is that they don't belong in what once was a GOV house and that stood for Girls On Vacation or have you forgotten this already!! First off, I never said that Bogdan himself organized anything. They (N&B) keep an eye or an ear on everything that happens in that house and if you don't believe that, you are delusional!! You are also wrong in saying that it has fuck all to do with him!!
  2. I'm caught up now Bluewinner so I'm going to duck out and take care of things. I know when I come back on later in the day to catch up again I will see you on here in all your glory. So, until then...have a good day my friend!!
  3. That's fine by me but when you call out my BS and I respond, be a man and don't go off crying to the mods!!
  4. If that is the case then they need to do away with that thread all together. All you keep hearing from the mods is...take it to Rants and Flames and if that's what people do and get banned for it, then it wasn't much of a boxing ring after all now was it!!
  5. I have to respectfully disagree Mauri, and it will never be anything close to normal as long as there are male tenants involved and especially Bogdan...he and Nelly are showboat's all the way!! I couldn't tell you how many times I've read comments on here about Nelly.....oh, here comes Nelly to ruin it all or I wish Nelly would just leave and let the girls be alone. You can't tell me they don't affect this house and the more you talk about them the way you are, I can't help but to think you are supporting them being there and you are defending them. Don't be angry with what I've said, it's just how I read it!
  6. Always the same replies from you people!! You are the one that has no life Blue (I was in your shoes at one time and that's how I know), there is no way you could have a life because you are always on here defending RLC. Every time I logon, you are on and blabbering away about something. I can promise you I spend 90% more time off of this forum than you do my friend. I call you friend because I know, you know, that I, am just trying to toughen you up and you appreciate me for it. I logon to the forum to catch up on the apartments and then I leave. You wake up, scratch your nut sack, grab a Dr. Pecker out of the fridge, bump the mouse on your computer to get it out of hibernation mode, and then spend the next 16 to 20 hours on here and RLC. Not me my friend, I have much better things to do with my time ever since I finally saw the direction RLC was heading. You say you like it and that's good, I would surely hope you wouldn't pay for something you didn't like!! LMAO that's some funny shit right there, I don't care who you are!! Another doubting Thomas...got to love it!!
  7. I was a subscriber to RLC when you were still shitting yellow little boy. I know the ends and outs of how RLC operates unlike many on this forum and just because I'm no longer a subscriber doesn't mean that I can't voice my opinion off of what I've been told in PM's or read on this forum. Like I said, I have just as much right to post as you do Blue. If you don't take anything I say seriously, it's you that has the problem, not me. I think you do take a lot of what I post seriously and that's why it bothers you so much.....just pure speculation on my part!!
  8. Because Harley is a damn good guy and people just can't stand it....that's why!
  9. You're giving me a headache Blue....it means you can't even be true to yourself when you make a post. I swear, if I didn't know any better I would think you are Moos' twin brother the way you defend everything RLC. It's unnatural to not have complaints and criticisms about a site that deals in porn.....unnatural I say.
  10. Say's me, that's who. This is an open forum which means that anyone can be on it and participate. If it was a forum for RLC subscribers only then I could see a little bit of your point. I have just as much right to be here as you do and if you don't like what I have to say, put me on ignore and go about your business but please, be a man and stop crying to the mods!!
  11. I'm not worried about it Blue, but I have just as much a right to voice my opinion as you do regardless if I'm not a subscriber. If you would mind your own business instead of always trying to piss somebody off with your smart ass comments, you would do much better in life!
  12. Why do you worry about me caring? You are not even a good subscriber!!
  13. I think it is Nelly and Bogdan's fault Mauri. I realize a big part of the problem is the repeats of girls...that's a no brainer for sure and I also realize that shows have occurred over and over again prior to them being there. Now though, if you look at what they have done by involving Martina and Alberto, and I personally believe they tried to involve Carla and Yawnee and that's why they are not here today, it's gotten much worse IMO. If you look at how many more guys have shown up since they have been in B4, you can't say that it isn't their fault. Look at all the family dinners they have and the BS party's they've had. Just by having a live in guy (Bogdan) and a married guy at that, only says bring on the guys....the more the merrier. By him and Nelly being there, they have set a precedent for how the house is going to be from now on. The sad thing is that Bogdan knows that there is a lot of people unhappy with him being there but that just stokes his arrogant attitude and makes him want to say Fuck You to the viewers. He wants everybody to know who's running this show and he will do anything to prove it. Bogdan is a manipulator and he's good at it. Look at how many people on this forum alone, that thinks he's gods gift to man! He should not participate and be a manger as well. There is an old saying in my country..."a man doesn't shit where he eats" and with him being there that is exactly what's happening. I've never liked the guy and I will never like the guy no matter how many people try to defend the SOB!!
  14. Maybe you should send RLC support an email and see if you can get that sorry couple Nelly & Bogdown out of B4 lol
  15. You better watch your words, the Lord Bogdan lovers will tare you apart LMAO
  16. Well....we now know she fucks other men so what's the problem LMAO
  17. Oh come on now Sergio, Holly is a girl and will fuck anything with a pulse with or without a condom!!
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