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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. What proof have you given for the last 2,000 posts at least that all say the same thing?
  2. If RLC would just change their motto to: "The Fakeness of Other People" I wouldn't have a problem with RLC. Well...that and stop bringing back repeats over and over again lol.
  3. Excellent!! VHTV has everything these guys want to see so why don't they just go over there!
  4. I'm really getting sick and tired of people saying my opinion doesn't matter just because I don't watch. My opinion is just as valid as your opinion. I watched RLC for years, I know how it operates, I've talked to several of the tenants in the past, so YEAH...my opinion is just as valid as yours!!
  5. or put the apartment UM....seriously though, if they went out for one it would be real and more power to them but having one in front of the cameras is not real. It's all discussed before hand and limits are set, nothing real about it.
  6. The thing is DD, I don't know when you started watching RLC but in the beginning it was just as I used to like it. There wasn't any silly shows going on and it was as normal as any site could be where there is cameras involved 24/7. Now days, it's just lame in my opinion and as far from any semblance or realism.
  7. If i were to start reading that more normal, everyday life was happening, I wouldn't complain as much as I do and hell...I might even join. Let me ask you a question, when you have a group come over to your house, do they bring a bag with a change of clothes in it so they can all change into lingerie? Does your daughter/daughters every time she goes to one of her girl friends houses, does she change into lingerie and have group massage sessions? Hell no would be the correct answer...at least with my daughter it would be because she is normal and has more self worth than that.
  8. I'm sure that would make your day but the fact is no matter how real the sex was during the orgy you want to see, it's still all fake and only done to attract more viewers. You've already said that you like the shows, so that's why you come at those that don't agree with you.
  9. I guess you will watch anything no matter how unreal it is. If I was a viewer I would want to see girls that would act like normal girls and I'm sorry but none of the Barcelona girls do. There was one once who did and I think most people didn't like her for it, and her name was Elmira. Elmira had self worth and didn't need to act like the rest of the slutty girls in the house. Bottom line...you will watch anything and when someone doesn't say what you like to hear you will always question them on it!
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