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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. like I said, it sounds like it. It sounds like another orchestrated show by Nelly & Bogdan. This absolute best thing they could do is kick N&B and L&A out of that house!!!
  2. First off, I agree with everything you said except for what I made bold in your post. I don't care to watch a bunch of repeats regardless if they do something different or not on one of their many stays on RLC. I don't watch hetero sex and I only became a member when RLC first started to look at the girls, their bodies, and mannerisms. I don't need to see the same girl ever again after that. I would have liked to observe Elmira and Ariana but I honestly could give a rats ass about any of the rest of them as far as viewing them is concerned and I'm not about to pay an outrageous price for two girls. This new girl Radi-something will be an out of the apartment kind of girl and it makes no sense for RLC to have brought her into an apartment when she actually lives in Barcelona according to some.
  3. Y'all have a good night, I've dealt out all the harassment I can for one night! Seriously though...y'all have a good night!!
  4. The reason I'm asking is because I think you are referring to 1st John 4:20 where it says...For we can not love God, whom we have not seen, if we do not love others, whom we have seen. That is a very deep verse and one that nobody should take likely. Sorry for the off topic and this is the last I will say regarding such.
  5. I understand your situation Ed and I can see where it gives you an outlet because of it and I know that's why you stay a subscriber, but it's different strokes for different folks! I didn't skip over your post because I had something to say and I'm sorry if that offends you in any way. The reason I don't subscribe has nothing to do whether or not guys are in the GOV apartments but it does hinder it quite a bit. The reason I don't subscribe is because of all the continuous repeats that RLC keeps bringing back. You may be a person that likes to look at the exact same billboard everyday but I'm not or you may be a person that likes to see anything the same way over and over again but I'm not. Once I've seen a tenant one time that is all I need to see them and what I mean by one time is one tour of duty. These girls make their living exposing themselves and I want more exposure with different women!! I know I may come off as strong and hateful at times but I'm really just a good ole boy that disagrees with a lot of what is posted here. If that makes me an outcast or asshole to some then so be it!! P.S. the John 2:9 you are referring to, what do you think that means?
  6. It doesn't matter who it comes from DD, it has been proven time and time again that everybody see's things differently when watching the goings on in these apartments. When I used to watch I had an argument with a guy that there was a man in the apartment of Kamila & Kristy. He said I was full of shit because he had been watching it, and I proved to him that he was wrong. I also had to take a snapshot of a card that was for a gentleman's club that one of the girls was holding and looking at and PM it to somebody because they watched the whole thing but still didn't see it. So don't go saying just because you watch something that you saw everything there was that was possible to see!!
  7. I agree with you Naga...I didn't think I was ever going to catch up!!
  8. I've seen both Piper and Taylor and to me they are hard on the eyes so maybe that is why there in not much talk of them and the same went for Nina and Kira, one was cute but the other was a turn off in my opinion and I'm all about lesbian interest.
  9. The bottom line is that the girls spend more time in their rooms as not to spend the money while out in Barcelona. They are there to make money and going out everyday spending it negates the whole reason they are there and the bottom line is the girls choose to spend time in their rooms and I'm sure there is a predetermined amount of time they must spend in them.
  10. LMAO once again here we go with the boyfriends crap. The guys the slutty Diana, Olya, and Elettra brought back were there for the girls to make more money...they knew why they were coming there, you bought it hook, line, and sinker. Nothing could prepare Milena for what disgusting behavior she witnessed that weekend even if the girls had told her in advance how slutty they were going to be. I agree that the villa is a perfect place for parties and mixing but under no circumstances should couples be living there. Like so many have said, open up new couples apartments and put their asses in them.
  11. I'm sure that now you have posted this video, it will be seen on RLC in the so called wasted fitness room, them all doing it!
  12. I have been told by another forum member that there is some sort of attraction towards Holly from Bogdan and that Nelly is always Johnny on the spot when there is any possibility of them sneaking off together. I defend you because I know at least a couple of other people have confided in me what's happening.
  13. Thank you 3Amy's and I want to say that I have nothing but respect for and you are also one of the forum members that keeps this rather comical boring forum on it's toes. I've always liked the way you post and agree with 99% of what you have to say. Keep up the good work and don't worry about Moos and how he feels about us, someone besides him sees the benefit in what we have to say on this forum!!
  14. For the most part that is true but not always. You have to understand that the viewers are willing to put up with more shit by RLC than they are to write them a letter of disapproval. This has been seen time and time again just with the members of this forum alone and not the whole of the RLC subscribers. I do agree that RLC is all about the money and nothing else more than anything.
  15. Which is totally wrong IMHO and should stop. If he or she is not a boyfriend or girl friend, then they should be called male friend or female friend or boy friend or girl friend and not boyfriend or girlfriend....just saying.
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