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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. Yeah....i understand what you mean Moos and to hell with you, I am a real person...no robot in me pal!
  2. All I'm saying is that he just might cancel his subscription at this time every year if he makes the same plans every year. Why pay for something you know you are not going to be at home to watch? I'm sure it's pure speculation on my part! Having said that, I take nothing away from what he expressed. I think it was genuine and truthful and just so happened at a time in the year where he was going on vacation. His vacation sounds much more inviting than watching a cam girl any day!
  3. Who cares about seeing the same water tower on the way home from work everyday!!
  4. It was shit just like all of RLC's content these days from what I was told.
  5. The room being used as a fitness room instead of another bedroom, just shows you the lack of commitment RLC has in their project these days!!
  6. LOL you know you like the shows so quit pretending that you don't Moos.
  7. LOL once again you have blown it way out of proportion!! You are one of the one's that goes by the...sharing is caring mentality. Some people pretend to care just to get the other person to shut the hell up and it has nothing to do with caring!! Leave Elmira alone, there are plenty of other 2 bit showgirls to take her place!!
  8. LOL, if I watch any porn at all, I can assure you there are no loser assholes in any of it.......i'm strictly chickly!!
  9. Regardless of how loyal her fans are, it would be unnatural for them not to feel the same way as Jimbo expressed. However, after reading a few more posts of Jimbo's after said expression, it has come to light that he may very well not support the effort during this time of the year and due to the circumstances of the content provided has chosen to express himself with his expression in lieu of using a vacation for the reason of expressing discontent.
  10. Sorry, must not have ever seen her. Thanks for telling me where she lived, if anyone would know...I knew you would.
  11. LOL there you go again, putting your own little twist on everything. You know as well as I know, exactly why you are saying what you say. You know that by showing more participation that the chances of her getting involved in the shows goes up by multiples of 10. You are not fooling anybody Moos!! I have to hand it to you though, you have never faltered much in your misgivings concerning RLC and these girls.
  12. I hate to tell you Moos but it's much more natural for a girl to masturbate in her own room behind closed doors than it is for her to be involved in the silly ass fake shows they do....just saying! You've been watching too much dorm porn!!!!!
  13. Of course for your own tastes you wish she would blend in more and then that will lead to her being involved in all the stupid ass shows like they had last night. I heard the show last night was absolutely pathetic. All these showgirls doing a lame ass show while Bogdan was sent to be with his favorite idiot friend Lucian and the newly formed cast member...Ears!! What a fucking joke RLC has become!!!
  14. LOL she is currently not a showgirl now and that bothers the piss out of you! I'm sure her time is coming, they always seem to get involved, I personally hope nothing changes with her because I honestly believe that that is what RLC needs. Girls that are more genuine and to themselves than a bunch of 2 bit showgirls!!!
  15. LOL I don't want any of them, none of them are my style and add in what they do for a living.....no thanks!!
  16. Personally, I don't think they will ever change now that she is seeing someone else!
  17. The problem is, is that RLC's content now days is just pure shit and with Nelly & Bogdan being involved in the capacity they are in makes more like horse shit!! In other words, there must be an awful lot of people with Moos type personalities that keep RLC afloat!! With what they are bringing to the viewers now days, it's a miracle they can even hold a sub base!!
  18. Oh...I noticed alright and I agree with you, I think them dressing up in lingerie is ridiculous and I always have!! I was just trying to be funny in a non-funny kind of way. Moos is just a different animal all together....he's in the unnamed category of animals!
  19. Noldus has been slipping, it seems he's on an RLC vacation or something similar!
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