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Everything posted by HarleyFatboy

  1. I've had issues with the fans of Leora before but in all actuality, she's one of the only normal people on RLC and I commend her for that!!
  2. you do know that I don't give a shit if you or some of the others on this forum have a problem with drugs. if you have to have drugs in your life to get something out of it, more power to you but you really fucking need to grow up. There is enough problems in this world and by you supporting the drug use that goes on in RLC is a damn shame!! Keep supporting the drug heads, you are the loser in the end!!
  3. I have a life dude and just because I don't watch it doesn't mean that I wouldn't like to see it get back to the way it once was. I will do and say everything in my power to get RLC to fucking wake up and get back to some kind of realism and i'm sorry you have to read my ranting about this but it's not going to stop. These tenants are some fucked up people, they have to have drugs in their life every single fucking day and i'm sick of them and it. One day I would like to subscribe to RLC again but at this rate with how fucked up it is, it doesn't look like that will ever happen. The drugs and the users of them have FUCKING RUINED RLC!!! I hope like hell the two new people that took over Hakeem's passion pit are not a couple of drug users!!!
  4. Repeats have doomed RLC!! The last thing you should ever want to see is another fucking repeat...my opinion of course!
  5. I don't see how you people can support this same BS every fucking weekend!! Lucian the drug pusher and the rest are the drug users and yet y'all continue to support a bunch of fucked up drug heads. Where is Bonnie and Clyde? Are they drying out from last night so they can join the rest of the drug heads later? What a bunch of shit RLC has become and reading the same shit every weekend where tenants leave one apartment to go to another......GO BACK TO YOUR OWN FUCKING APARTMENTS AND STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THE OTHER APARTMENTS!!
  6. Not going to bed.....just have a better offer that's all. Later all...
  7. 2 would be enough...anymore than that and they just get in the way of the cameras
  8. Noldus posted in B5 that the two drama's are back in B5.....so, when I'm wrong I say I'm wrong and I apologize to Moos and the rest of the forum.
  9. think what you want to all mighty one....i think you are wrong!!
  10. I bet they are already there and hiding out in the bottom floor master suite waiting for the girls to get through with their show!
  11. Is it the same BS card game where the loser has to do something? If so, it's just another boring ass show!!
  12. that's what I would want to see if I was a sub.....you can have the Bobbsey Twins!!
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